Best druid spells 5e reddit. See full list on rpgbot.
Best druid spells 5e reddit . Conjure Animals can be pretty good if your DM is nice enough to give you some control over what animals you summon. In general, the best druid spells are summoning and control Conjure animals (3rd level) is one of the best spells in the game, and fits well with a druid focused on cycles if life and death like the wildfire druid Summon elemental (4th level) is also good, and fire elementals are a natural fit Raw it's not as eating a Goodberry is not a spell. Being a tank 2/rest is a great way to support the party lol. Consistently getting to provide a 1d4 bonus to your allies’ ability checks is seriously useful. Most good druid spells require concentration, sadly. throw in the ritual caster feat for wizard spells and get a few scrolls and spellbooks and copying from your wizard friend over the course of the game, and everyone in the It's pretty simple really, given DnD is a cooperative game setting where working as a party is strongly encouraged, the best subclass for any class not just druid, is the one that fits best with your role. Damage spells like Moonbeam or Call Lightning are decent. His rankings for 4th level druid: BLUE polymorph GREEN Tasha's gives druid the 4th level spell Fire Shield. Very thematically appropriate for druids who wish to punish those who embrace civilization and the draining of natural resources. Entangle is useful on a cleric but its concentration and as you get more powerful, less appealing since you have better spells to concentrate on. Therefore, I was looking for a spells guide for the Druid Circle of Shepherd or something that indicates which spells are better and which ones are worst. Everything else is a distant 2nd. Additionally, it's a bonus action, so you can still cast a cantrip or do something else in that turn (or, y'know, just Ready a leveled spell since the Bonus Action spell restriction for leveled spells only applies to your turn, making a Blade of Disaster + Readied Forcecage a fun combination), and doesn't eat up your action in subsequent turns. Healing spirit not enough? This will help This unfortunately means that you're flooding the battlefield and initiative, which can be a lot for you, your DM and your party to track Imo, Conjure animals might be one of the strongest druid spells, but I never use it. Entangle, Moonbeam, Faerie Fire, Healing Spirit, Flaming Sphere, Heat Metal, Holds Person, Pass Without Trace, Spike Growth. It's more like an upper B-tier option, a solid backup for when stronger spells aren't available or applicable. FWIW, Treantmonk has a whole series of videos where he goes through druid spells in detail level by level. I prefer the new Summon spells and Giant Insect to play a summoner. After looking at the list of new… For Damage, Druid's best options tend to be Concentration spells that directly compete with control spells, so you kinda need to decide whether you want your Concentration dedicated to control or damage, because you don't really get both, at least at lower levels. If you have an idea what kind of environment to expect pick based on this. You can still cast all the support spells before you shapeshift too Land get to cast the most spells per day by a huge margin, and they are the only ones who learn extra non-druid spells. Personally, based on the selections you've made, I would probably replace, at minimum: Entangle (lvl 1) and one of either Moonbeam (lvl 2) or Call Lightning (lvl 3). This subclass doubles down on that aspect, making your summons far more durable and reliable as a source of damage. There are a number of excellent druid spells that are not Concentration spells. Produce Flame or Thorn Whip if you want a ranged option, Primal Savagery for melee. Thus, it's nice to have one of these save cantrips/spells. Those are all great spells, but all require concentration. I'm currently playing a Shepherd Druid in a 5e campaign, i've just reached level 9 and i have some doubts on what 5th spell i should choose. Other honourable mentions would be mending and mold earth for role play reasons. So no as Goodberry is not an healing spell but simply create 10 Goodberry that you can Magic Stone is probably your best attack cantrip at level 1, but it doesn't scale, so it might not be the best if you aren't planning on conjuring apes to throw the stones for you or something. playing any other druid if that is available is honestly futile. Even though it uses concentration, you Where it's tricky is that most druid cantrips need the right environment to shine. Spell focused Battlefield control it's Circle of the Land. Heat Metal is a fantastic spell that can basically end encounters and combos beautifully with high level druid spells such as Mirage Arcane. Otherwise I would consider two of those: Shape Water: Lots of possible shenanigans with this spells. 1 Barbarian, 6 Moon Druid for upgrades wildshapes. So long as your DM doesn't ban the use of the Conjure X spells, the Shepherd Druid is the best at dealing damage. Ice Knife is also pretty great for some limited blasting. It's actually very specifically not an opportunity attack - it just lets you use a spell when a creature would provoke an OA from you, but it remains a spell, not an OA. Frost bite is what I’d argue is the best Druid damage cantrip. A little too useful, really, as Guidance’s biggest downside is how often you have to interrupt play to use it. Also Healing Spirit and Heat Metal, along with Fog Cloud, Healing Word and Faerie Fire for lower-level spells. The best spells you will cast as a Druid is summon (Water) Myrmidon Elementals (non concentration) and Haste (concentration). in practice it's among the strongest things in the game between the druid spell list, free guiding bolts, its starry form effects, and its level 6 weal/woe feature, and absolutely the strongest druid at basically anything except meat shielding, which you don't want to do anyways. As u/ElboMan already said, druids are prepared spell casters, so you can swap out your spells during long rests, so obviously be as flexible with your choices as situations need. Great utility and decent healing and you generally don't need to cast it more than once. Since you can only concentrate on one spell, it depends on your party composition then. Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Moon is my favorite. Druid 3 for some spells or Barbarian 4 for a feat Cleric: Peace, War with 3 wis Warlock(if you have the cha): Fathomless, Fiend, Genie, Hexblade, Undead L7: Barb 5 for Extra attack Clerics: Twilight, deer Lord. May 8, 2024 · To help players along, here is a list of the best spells that a Druid can use. You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it. For max DPR cast Flaming Sphere or Heat Metal and then cast this. But there are some abilities and conditions that prevent you from rolling a spell hit. Guidance. Dreams is the healer. Tank/DPS hands down it's Circle of the Moon. Load Spells: Concentration spells you should cast as early as possible in combat. 60f range 1d6 and if they fail a con save they get disadvantage on their next weapon attack which is always handy. However because someone once told me the owl was the best combat familiar I don’t actually develop any originality and just summon the owl just in case despite never really using it in combat rather out of combat. No matter what you use these spells for, they are sure to help you out of a jam (or get into one, we don’t judge). If heals: Same thing, but just choose Cure Wounds and Healing Word***. Can use a lot of spell slots compared to Moonbeam, but the damage is better. It doesn't benefit from Sentinel's first benefit (your OAs reduce a creature's speed to 0), for example, or any other feature that specifically applies to OAs. See full list on rpgbot. These are often the most important spells you should pick and choose first. Level 3 *Note: From this point on, Conjure X spells absolutely blow other druid spells out of the water for damage. net Feb 19, 2024 · Here are my picks for the best Druid spells by level. Ice Knife-Still the best Instant Duration spell. One of the most powerful aspects of the Druid class is that it has among the best summoning spells in the game. The features say "Whenever you cast a spell using a spell slot that restores hit points to a creature, you or another creature within 30 feet of you can regain hit points equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier". A lot of 3rd level spells are too situational or niche to make S-tier for me, and a number of others just have decent-to-good effects comparable in power to haste. Druids have some of the best battlefield control spells in the game, so you can use those to lock down some opponents. 1st level spell: Goodberry is by far the best one. 10 minute duration. I just hit level 7 in a campaign where I'm playing a Circle of the Moon Druid and got access to 4th level spells. Entangle (1st level). I like the idea of a sneaky spell caster that uses a common house spider familiar to cast touch spells at a range for boon or boom. Maelstrom is a pretty neat control+damage spell, but you don't get it until level 9. Some of these spells are geared toward combat, and some focus more on the roleplaying aspect of the game. Maybe one of the best spells in the game, Entangle lets you Restrain multiple creatures in an area. And apart from those, you can pick the same cantrips above and pepper in some more damaging spells when you get more slots. Primal Savagery does two things that are rare in the druid spell list, it does acid damage, and it has a spell attack roll. Edit: Sorry I seem have glazed over the ‘moon’ Druid part. your circle spells either unlock even more potential that no other druid has, or give you the best variety of standby druid spells on top of whatever you want to prepare. Shape Water isn't so good in the desert (or is it?), Mold Earth isn't so good on a boat. Concentration not required. snwdk umvza irpif iqqnod svmweunp acuky ggxcb vggj qrhoasa exxsyr