Sublette county examiner. RHCD looks at staffing by Cat Urbigkit.
Sublette county examiner Clifford Edwin Johnson. Thirteen Sublette County volunteer firefighters recently completed the training necessary to receive their Wyoming Firefighter II (FFII) Standard Pro Board Certification while three received Firefighter I (FFI) certification and 21 additional firefighters are taking the class to become Sublette County School District No. Classified Ads - June 2, 2009 . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2002-2002 BUDGET AMENDMENTS SUBLETTE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER ONE Notice is hereby given of a public hearing on the proposed budget amendments involving the general fund of Sublette County School District Number One, Pinedale, Wyoming. /s/ Marilyn M. PUBLIC NOTICE Chambers Design-Build, Inc (CDBI) and Sublette County are seeking SUBCONTRACTOR Bids for the Kendall Valley Fire Hall to be located on Hwy 352, 20 miles north of Cora, Wyoming. 9, for the Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 15 - July 8, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. The warmer kids' pool is in the foreground. As of Tuesday, Wyoming Game and Fish (G&F) had 10 Sublette Examiner Volume 5, Number 52 - March 23, 2006 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. state of Wyoming. Jensen Clerk of the District Court Published in the Sublette Examiner June 13, 2002. 2005-1933 OF ) G. A standing-room-only crowd of over 200 people filled Rendezvous Pointe Monday evening to hear Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ ) and other state agency presentations about Sublette County air and water quality depletion caused directly from drilling natural gas Published in the Sublette Examiner Sept. Monkey wrenching, also known as ecotage, is The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. Alex Bitters Published n the Sublette Examiner May 30 and June 6, 2002. The Alpine teams consist of Emily Johnston (back row, left to right), Jo’Lee Springman, Amy David, Jayne Thompson, Patience The teammates all love and have their own horses, belong to Sublette County 4-H clubs and ride as often as possible. Clifford was born on April 7, 1916, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the son of Morris and Anna Peterson. Published in the Sublette Examiner Aug. Furniture, bikes, children’s toys and more. Sublette County's early oil & gas activity by Barbara McKinley, Green River Valley Museum. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Probate No. To start the day's business, the commissioners opened bids from the newspapers to handle the county's legal advertising and the status as the county's official Sublette Examiner Volume 3, Number 4 - April 24, 2003 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. (Not pictured are Ann Evenson and Lara Lundberg) A community within Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 38 - December 11, 2008 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. As of the 2020 United States Census, the population was 8,728. Former Sublette County Sheriff’s investigator stabbed to death by Trey Wilkinson. This is the first arrest SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING Sealed BIDS are requested for work described in the project manual for the above named project prepared by Rio Verde Engineering, 201 West Pine Street, P. PUBLIC NOTICE The Sublette County Planning and Zoning Commission will meet Thursday, December 19, 2002, at 7:30 p. Ecotage or coincidence? by Cat Urbigkit. Ehlers’ murder suspect has preliminary hearing Willoughby, victim were both at Jackson party by Joy Ufford. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Abandoned Vehicles The Sublette County Sheriff shall set at public sale to the highest bidder and best bidder, for cash, at the Daniel Impound Yard, County Road 181 (left at fork in road), Daniel, WY 83115 at 10:00 AM on Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 29 - October 14, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. verified the legitimacy of these advertisers. A former Sublette County Sheriff’s investigator was stabbed late Friday night in Helena, Mont. 28, 1932, in Big Piney to Arnold and Lena Olson. IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Probate Number 1840 In the matter of the estate ) Of ) Craig D. with Gordon Johnston, Bill Cramer, Betty Fear, Cat Urbigkit of the Sublette Examiner, Noah Sublette Examiner Volume 9, Number 11 - June 2, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Complaint Calls For Investigation, Removal Of Sheriff by Tiffany Turner. Housing conference sheds light by Bill Boender. 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2002. If the county’s housing market were an animal, it wouldn’t be a bear – it would be a Kodiak bear. At Tuesday's bid opening, the Examiner submitted a $2 per column inch bid for the county's legal advertising, while the Pinedale Roundup, which had held the legal designation, submitted a bid of $1. Pursuant to Section 41-4-511, Wyoming Statutes, 1977, the below listed The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. Grizzlies, wolves declared "unacceptable" in the county by Cat Urbigkit. Sublette Examiner Volume 7, Number 15 - July 5, 2007 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Crow, Circuit Court Judge Rocky Mountain Service Bureau, Inc Judgment Creditor vs. In Wyoming, coroners investigate deaths that are due to: Violent or criminal action; Apparent suicide; “I’m also proud that we provided excellent coverage for Sublette County in many areas and were able to contribute to worthy causes. FLINT, ) and if any of the above named or ) mentioned persons are deceased, ) then all of the Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 2 - April 3, 2008 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. As a member of the Pinedale Anticline Working Group representing the public-at Sublette Examiner Volume 6, Number 32 - November 2, 2006 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. County lost appeal, but won future by Cat Urbigkit. m. Sublette County emergency services and the Sheriff ’s Office are those kinds of jobs. with Betty Fear, Bill Cramer, John Linn, Cat Urbigkit, representing the Sublette Examiner, Annie O’Brien of the Pinedale Roundup, and Mary Sublette Examiner Volume 2, Number 10 - June 6, 2002 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. ) ) PAMELA JEAN DOWNS and ) KATHLEEN J. 189, Marbleton, WY All meetings will consist of an open house-style public meeting from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and a formal public hearing from 6:00 pm to last comment. The Sublette County Rural Health Care Board met Monday, Oct. SCOTT ) INVESTMENTS, LLC, Suing ) on Behalf of themselves ) and All Other Similarly Situated ) OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 16, 2008 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session at the Marbleton Town Hall, Marbleton, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Sublette County, Wyoming, has accepted work as completed according to the plans, specifications and rules set forth in the contract between Sublette County and Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 52 - March 24, 2005 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. 5 percent) and neighboring Sweetwater County (1. Full containment reached by target date Horse Creek Fire burns more than 8,500 acres by Janet SUBLETTE COUNTY – The latest Sublette County Public Health update, released July 9, confirmed COVID-19 has returned to the county. Published in the Sublette Examiner October 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2002. 29. Several current and former Sublette County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) employees have filed complaints with the County Commission against Sheriff Wayne “Bardy” Bardin. With tax revenues from natural gas and oil topping 90 percent for the 2002-2003 fiscal year, residents of Sublette County are well aware of the oil and gas industry's current Sublette Examiner Volume 2, Number 1 - April 4, 2002 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. What County of Sublette Town of Marbleton A public hearing will be held on 10 November 2008 at 7:00 p. In The District COURT of Sublette County, Wyoming Ninth Judicial District In the Matter of the ) PINEDALE — The Sublette County Sheriff's Office is proud to announce the enrollment of our first Project Lifesaver client, Flannery, a local first-grade student. At the invitation of the Sublette County Commission, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ ) officials attended Wyoming State Statutes for County Coroners are contained in Title 7, Chapter 4. Saturday June 6th - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. The following fines and dispositions were imposed through Dec. Lehr reported during the Dec. will file an application for subdivision with the Sublette County Planning and Zoning Commission to create the Bradley Minor Subdivision within SE¼NE¼ and NE¼SE¼ Section 19, T30N, R111W, Sublette County, Wyoming. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Seated at the RHCD table Published in the Sublette Examiner August 9, 16, 2007. O. OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, and Sublette County School District No. 6 trillion cubic feet of gas since the 1920s. The Questar deception Submitted By Kirby Hedrick - Pinedale. with Betty Fear, Bill Cramer, John Linn, Cat Urbigkit of the Sublette Examiner, Noah Brenner of the Pinedale Roundup and Mary Lankford, county clerk, present. 9 Big Piney, Wyoming March 2004 Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 21-3-110 (a) (ii) (A), Duties of Boards of Trustees, individual yearly gross salary payments shall be Published in the Sublette Examiner Jan. At Tuesday’s regular meeting of the WYOMING – The University of Wyoming announced the Provost’s Honor Roll on Friday, June 24. Peter’s Hospital. Described as 'dirty, dingy, slimy and scary', UPDATE July 19 7:30 p. 11, in the Sublette County Commission meeting room in regular session with all members present. Sublette Examiner Volume 6, Number 23 - August 31, 2006 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Dave Published in the Sublette Examiner on January 22, 29 and February 5 and 12, 2009. Anticline death leaves questions unanswered by Derek Farr. No SUBLETTE COUNTY NOTICE TO APPROPRIATORS OF WATER Public notice is hereby given that the following listed water users have completed the requirements of proof PRIVATE of appropriation and beneficial use of ground water for the following wells approved by the State Engineer. Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 4 - April 22, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Jeff Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 18 - July 29, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. [1] The county seat is Pinedale. 23 through Oct. The Sublette County Rural Health Care District Board’s last meeting before a new board is seated was filled with recriminations and criticisms of Sublette County Commissioners. 26, Oct. Cramer, Chairman Attest: /s/ Mary L. The number of elk being fed on feedgrounds in Sublette County is up this winter, according to feedground program manager Gary Hornberger of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Christi Marsico Sublette Examiner, and Mary Lankford, County Clerk present. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE 455 South Ashley. 3 percent, considerably less than the highest drops in Campbell County (1. PUBLIC NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Sublette has decided to alter or vacate part of the Cottonwood-Ryegrass County road No. County Clerk Sublette Examiner Volume 7, Number 39 - December 20, 2007 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. On Friday, Nov. Sublette nonattainment recommended by Derek Farr. OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS MAY 1, 2007 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. Any bid received after the time specified or without accompanying Bid Guaranty, as stated below, will not be considered. Interested bidders can contact Jamison Ziegler, SCSD No. State of Wyoming ) ) ss County of Sublette ) In the Circuit Court of Sublette County, Wyoming John V. Said Sublette Examiner Volume 3, Number 14 - July 3, 2003 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JUNE 2, 2003 The Board of County Commissioners met in special session for budget preparation on this date at 9 a. , and died of his wounds shortly thereafter at St. 23-136 through Section 29, T31N, R109W. Nov 1, 2022: Hospital district prepares for building demolition. [2] It is a sparsely populated rural county in western Wyoming, along the Green River. supplies. at Doctors Hospital in Opelousas Louisiana. Highway 189-191 in Sublette County, and protests, if any there be, A billionaire’s planned Upper Hoback Road luxury resort could take as long as six years to construct because Sublette County is not granting his request to eliminate seasonal restrictions designed to prevent the displacement of wildlife. County supports DEQ wood-stove swap by Tiffany Turner. 3 percent). Judges' comments: "Cleanly written - the reporter seems to disappear as the subject's story is told. Raza, Kayla M. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Jonathan Van Dyke of the Pinedale Roundup, Janet Montgomery of the Sublette Examiner, and Mary Lankford, County Clerk present. Pete Olson of Big Piney, passed away Monday evening March 30, 2009, at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County in Rock Springs. Former Daniel resident Troy Dean Willoughby, shown in this September 2005 booking photo, was arrested near Helena, Mont. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Tiffany Turner representing the Sublette Examiner, Jonathan Van Dyke of the Pinedale Roundup, and Nov 22, 2022: Sublette County Health recognized as Wyoming’s “Community Star” on National Rural Health Day. She moved numerous times IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT notice of such hearing be published one (1) time in the Sublette Examiner. He was 89 years old. 7, including at least six accidents, 24 citizen assists, five fire and two smoke reports, 13 suspicious incidents, five traffic complaints, four welfare checks, five search and rescues, 34 vehicle identification number inspections and 26 urinalyses. This, however, is not what the rendezvous is known for Sublette Examiner Volume 3, Number 4 - April 24, 2003 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Heaven forbid it happens, but should it The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Sublette has decided to alter the PARADISE COUNTY ROAD NO. Covell III and Tex Williams, both of Marbleton, Bill Barney of Big Piney, Jerry Jensen of Sublette Examiner Volume 2, Number 21 - August 22, 2002 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Last week, the Wyoming Board of Equalization issued an 86-page opinion in the ExxonMobil LaBarge project valuation dispute with Sublette County. OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 7, 2007 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. 18. Joseph, also known as “Joe the school bus driver,” was a native and lifelong resident of Pinedale, WY. At a series of meetings held in May 1921 at the Daniel Post Office, Commissioners William Enos, Lou Hennick and Oscar Beck appointed Charles Rumsch from Marbleton as County Clerk, Wyoming State Statutes for County Coroners are contained in Title 7, Chapter 4. com ($) Covill Funeral Home Obituaries in Pinedale WY Sublette County, WY GenWeb Archives search online Sublette County, Wyoming obituaries, deaths, cemetery and other records. Tyler Ave. A community within our community Part 2 in a series by Rhonda Swain. 19 and 26, Sept. 0601 Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 45 - January 29, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. When RHCD Director Randy Johnson explained to the board that the minutes Meet the new managing editor! The suspect complied bywalking out to the county road near a residence. 2 mile north of Marbleton and 0. Milwaukee trainers put local officers in the same scenarios as Wisconsin law enforcement in preparation for any situation. 11-5-104(a), the Board of County Commissioners, Sublette County, Wyoming, will hold a public hearing, Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 11 a. The Published in the Sublette Examiner June 5, 2003. 8, 2007, at her home at Pape Ranches in Daniel, Wyoming, at age 41. Industry has long history in county by Cat Urbigkit. If it were a sound, it would be a whistling hiss of a dropping bomb. RHCD looks at staffing by Cat Urbigkit. KLARÉN ) Deceased ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE NO. Sublette Examiner Volume 3, Number 11 - June 12, 2003 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Of those, 746 have recovered and there have The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reported 221 calls from Aug. PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUBDIVIDE Big Loop LLC will file an application with the Sublette County Planning and Zoning Commission to subdivide 228 acres, zoned RR and RR-5, located in the N2SE, SESE, NESW, NWSW, S2SW of Section 20, W2SW of Section 21, and N2NW of At a series of meetings held in May 1921 at the Daniel Post Office, Commissioners William Enos, Lou Hennick and Oscar Beck appointed Charles Rumsch from Marbleton as County Clerk, selected the Daniel Post Office as the official place of business, selected the Big Piney Examiner as the official newspaper for legal notices, hired D. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Trey Wilkinson of the Sublette Examiner, and Mary The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the commissioners meeting room of the Sublette County Courthouse, Pinedale, Wyo. 75 per column inch. Nice lede (sic); stats and numbers hook Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 23 - August 28, 2008 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. On Thursday, March 16, some 70 people attended a Sublette County Housing Conference to discuss housing issues in Pinedale and the surrounding area. Election of officers resulted in Jerry Jensen being Public Notices. /s/ Hank Ruland, Sublette County Sheriff Published in the Sublette Examiner Jan. State Champions! by Jeff Wohl. LEGAL NOTICE According to the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 26 (B), Wyoming Education Code of 1969, the following warrants over $500, excluding individual salaries, were issued to the Sublette County School District No. 1, Pinedale, Wyoming is accepting bids to provide and install bleachers in the high school gymnasium. 1 to Aug. Paul Anthony Raftery, age 41, had Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 27 - September 30, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. 3 mile west of the Junction of Highway 189 and North Piney Sublette Examiner Volume 2, Number 9 - June 3, 2002 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Hunters have 10 days to report a wolf kill in the new predator management area and it takes for information to reach the top. , Sublette County Sheriff KC Lehr confirmed to the Pinedale Roundup and Sublette Examiner Tuesday night that Chett Whitman was arrested on a felony charge of "aggravated Sublette County Library, 155 S. Naomi Pape passed away on Jan. NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUBDIVIDE PUBLIC NOTICE Andrew M. Clifford E. This notice includes a copy of the 'Proposed Annexation Report' required by section 15-1-402 (c) as follows: Proposed Annexation Report Alsade 2008 Public Notices. C. No The property may be seen at the Sublette County Courthouse, South Tyler, Pinedale, WY 82941, the morning of the sale date, one hour prior to sale time. My first day on the job coincided with the start of the 87 th annual Green River Rendezvous Days, so Examiner now publishing Tuesdays By Trey Wilkinson - May 5, 2009: Public Notices May 5, 2009: From flag football to fame By Trey Wilkinson - April 30, 2009 ‘Antelope Alley’ – Historic The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reported 182 incidents from April 11 through April 17, including at least eight vehicle crashes, a vehicle fire, three suicidal people, two Sublette County Sheriff’s Investigations Capt. Ashlee Lehr: Possession of marijuana, misdemeanor. Jensen: Burglary; theft less than $1,000; property destruction less than $1,000. The rendezvous served primarily as a place of business – a place to trade fur and . And they practice to not only spot a horse’s qualities – or faults – but also watch how the horse moves in different riding events. Fed elk numbers up by Cat Urbigkit. Bidding Documents, including specifications, will be available on April 16, 2009 Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 42 - January 8, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Brian Ketterhagen is very excited about new leads generated by the revelation last week he and his team are looking to solve the June 21, 1984, shooting The Wyoming Department of Health confirmed 11 new cases of COVID-19 in Sublette County from April 17-23, bringing the active cases to 11. In Wyoming, coroners investigate deaths that are due to: Violent or criminal action; Apparent suicide; Accident ; Apparent drug or chemical overdose or toxicity; The deceased was unattended by a physician or other licensed health care provider; Apparent child abuse causes; Unknown causes; In Sublette Examiner Volume 6, Number 1 - March 30, 2006 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. You can hear it in his voice. This notice includes a copy of the “Proposed Annexation Report” required by Section 15-1-402(c) Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 12 - June 12, 2008 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECREE OF DISTRIUBTION TAKE NOTICE that on August 5, 2002, an Application for Decree of Distribution of real property of BILL DAHEMAN ZIMMERMAN, deceased, was filed in the District Court of Sublette County, Wyoming, Ninth Judicial District, Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 21 - August 19, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Oct 4, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of September, 2007, Lippincott Enterprises, Inc. 11, almost a week after sustaining injuries while working on a gas rig in the Pinedale Anticline. Joseph Roy Bolinger, age 77, passed away Thursday, November 27, 2008 at 9:25 a. Several Sublette County ranchers may have been the victims of monkey wrenching this grazing season, with incidents occurring on public lands in both the Pinedale and Big Piney areas. Lon, age 60, died at St. Pinedale goes in for another Wrangler touchdown. A Utah man died Sunday, Jan. SCOTT, ) Individually and as Managing ) Member of R. , Local Time, April 2, 2009, for the following: Ehman Lane Pathway Description of Work: Install an 8’ wide asphalt pathway from US 191 to Murdock Lane in Sublette County, Wyoming Sublette County is a county in the U. If it were a word, it would be paltry, bleak – or perhaps rotten. 23, 30, Sept. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Jonathan Van Dyke of the Published in the Sublette Examiner, May 15, 22, & 29, 2003. Wilford L. 931 ORDER SETTING HEARING Van Huffman, Robert Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 3 - April 10, 2008 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Resolution of Intent BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Trustees of Sublette County Rural Health Care District that it intends to provide countywide health care to be paid for by special assessment, specified as follows: Proposed Budget 2002-2003: Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 18 - July 24, 2008 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. 8 and 15, 2004. With spring-like weather melting six-foot-tall snowdrifts onto a sunken roadbed, traffic from one of the county’s largest subdivisions has turned the Barger roads into a treacherous mess of mud, holes, ruts and pools that would Published in the Sublette Examiner Jan. INVITATION TO BID STATE FUNDED PROJECT PROJECT NUMBER: PEB - 1592 PROJECT NAME: WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION – PINEDALE PATROL & DRIVER SERVICES ADDITION SUBLETTE COUNTY TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Large Sublette Turnout Greets DEQ Air, water quality concerns discussed by Trey Wilkinson. with Gordon Johnston, Bill Cramer, Betty Fear, Cat Urbigkit of the Sublette These new charges were filed in Sublette County Circuit Court from May 8 through May 14. Sublette County Rural Health Care District Regular Meeting December 8, 2003 - 7:00 p. Legal Notice According to the provisions of Chapter three, Section 26 (B), Wyoming Education Act of 1969, the following warrants of $500, excluding individual salaries, were issued to the Sublette County School District No. SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Wyoming Statute Section 15-1-113, that the Sublette County Recreation Board, will receive sealed bids until 10:00 AM. Rainbows To Return To Sublette County by Janet Montgomery. A. Public Notices. Those students are Chelsea Paul and Magen Rohrer of Boulder, Haylee Hoffman of Big Piney and Julie Belton, Sonya Legerski, Judy Vitolo and Dana Wilson of Pinedale. , Big Piney: No valid registration, fine $125. 60 Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 52 - March 19, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. He was 77 years old. COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) IN THE MATTER OF ) THE ESTATE ) OF ESTHER B. 25, with all members present with the exception of Walt Bousman. in the County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming. Housing market at rock bottom? by Derek Farr. Obituaries . Nov 11, 2022: EMT course planned to address local need. Kelly Winters of Pinedale spent half a day in front of Ninth Judicial District Circuit Court Judge Frank Zebre last Friday, as his attorney, Mike Cornia of Evanston, argued the merits of several motions for the court to consider in preparation for Sublette Examiner Volume 7, Number 52 - March 20, 2008 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Organized by Pinedale Mayor’s Assistant Laurie Latta and Carmel Kail, the When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Trey Wilkinson of the Sublette Examiner, Julia Stuble of Sublette Examiner Volume 6, Number 42 - January 11, 2007 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. 9 for the following month: September 2003. 7, including at least six accidents, 24 citizen assists, five fire and two smoke reports, 13 suspicious incidents, five The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reported 179 calls from May 17 to May 23, including one death, at least eight accidents, one sex offense, one suicidal person, nine 911 Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 49 - February 26, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF WYOMING IN THE DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF SUBLETTE 9TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT JESSICA DITTON Civil Action NO. With the help of the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office, the men, who had been working as subcontractors on commercial construction projects in the Pinedale and Lander area, were interviewed, arrested and transported to the Sublette County Jail at approximately 8 p. RHCD race; Eight candidates filed seeking one of three open positions on the Sublette County Rural Health Care District Board. , ) Willow Springs Cattle Company, ) A Wyoming corporation ) Zack Roberts, Patti Roberts, ) Respondents ) Docket No. OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 18, 2007 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse, Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. Graham ousts Aronson. Richmond II: Unauthorized Published in the Sublette Examiner Aug. Born in Casper, Lonny graduated from Natrona County High School followed by a hitch in The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reported 182 incidents from April 11 through April 17, including at least eight vehicle crashes, a vehicle fire, three suicidal people, two disturbances, three family fights, a sex offense, a protection order violation, a theft, vandalism, 33 urinalyses and 41 vehicle identification number inspections. PUBLICATION OF GROSS SALARIES Sublette County School District Number One Pinedale, Wyoming March, 2005 Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 21-3-110(a)(ii)(A), Duties of the Boards of Trustees individual yearly gross salary payments shall be Published in the Sublette Examiner on April 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2009. DEQ Addresses Air, Water Issues With County Commission Officials will return for upcoming public info meeting by Joy Ufford. 23-117 through the NE1/4SW1/4, NE1/4NW1/4SW1/4, and SW1/4NW1/4 of Section 28, T32N, R111W. ” So a new chapter for the Sublette My name is Cali O’Hare and I’m your new managing editor for the Sublette Examiner and Pinedale Roundup newspapers. ” Sublette Examiner Volume 9, Number 8 - May 12, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Steele Hot Springs then and now by Judi Myers. Archambault Judgment Debtor Notice of Sheriff’s Sale The undersigned having levied upon Sublette Examiner Volume 6, Number 38 - December 14, 2006 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. I read last week's paper containing all the positive comments regarding the Questar winter drilling proposal with great interest. Plenty of good quotes the family tells their own story. That is the statistic given by Jennifer Frazier with Sublette Examiner Volume 5, Number 19 - August 4, 2005 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Lonny Elliott. Sublette Examiner Volume 3, Number 20 - August 20, 2003 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Sublette County Commissioners met for a full day of business Tuesday. Legal Notice According to the Provisions of Chapter 3, Section 26 (B), Wyoming Education of 1969, the following warrants over $500, excluding individual salaries, were issued to the Sublette County School District No. Sublette County Rural Health Care District by Bill Boender. When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted. Inside Steele's Hot Springs pool in 2003, there are no rafters with cables for kids to jump from the diving board and hang from the cables. PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT HOMEY D. Sublette County Is Hub Of Wolf Kills G&F: 10 reported were all here by Joy Ufford. Small student desks will be available outside both the Big Piney and LaBarge Elementary schools and medium-sized student desks will be available outside the Big Piney Middle School. COUNTY SALARY AND WAGE STATEMENT PUBLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION18-3-516(b)(ii) WYOMING STATUTES, 1977, AMENDED 1983 The following statement contains the names, positions, and gross salaries of each elected BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS /s/ William W. Obituaries. One complaint requests an Sublette Examiner Volume 9, Number 3 - April 9, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. “Because we’re in a unique situation, anything I can do to help people be with their families, we are going to darn sure going to do that. That’s down once again from consecutive weeks in the 20s for the county. DATED this 4th day of June 4, 2002. RHCD complains about commission by Cat Urbigkit. The county's Sublette Examiner Volume 2, Number 6 - May 9, 2002 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Steve Christensen, an agent for Joe Ricketts, at a June 2024 Sublette County Commission meeting in OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 5, 2006 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. The Sublette County Rural Health Care District met in Marbleton Wednesday evening, Oct. Volunteer Firefighters Complete Training To Become More ‘Professional’ by Trey Wilkinson. Taylor J. Barger: Bumpy road to recovery by Derek Farr. with Betty Fear, Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Commissioner-elect, Cat Urbigkit, representing the Sublette Examiner, Annie Public Notices. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Tiffany Turner representing the OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 21, 2006 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Marbleton Town Hall in Marbleton, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. : 2009-7326 Plaintiffs, vs. S. Naomi Pape. “I look to do everything I can for (Sheriff Office employees),” Sheriff Wayne “Bardy” Bardin said. Naomi was born on September 30, 1965, in Vanderhoof, British Columbia, where her father worked as a mining geologist. Shawna Erlich: Possession of marijuana, misdemeanor; exceeding 70 mph on a highway. PUBLIC NOTICE ESTABLISHMENT OF WEED & PEST DISTRICTS Pursuant to the Wyoming Weed and Pest Control Act of 1973, and W. “The lack of harvest last year and increased snow Published in the Sublette Examiner May 11, 18, 25 and June 1, 2006. FRANK E. 9, for the following month: April 2003 These new charges were filed in Sublette County Circuit Court through Dec. 14, 2002. Said land is located 0. Miller, ) Applicant ) Frank Nataros, Ann Nataros, ) Analind Corporation LTD. “They are Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 10 - June 3, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. 2 and 9, 2004. Nov 1, 2022: SCHD expresses gratitude to Wendy Boman. SIEMS and ANGELA SIEMS Civil Action No. Sublette County is closer to the illustrious distinction of being the only place in the state – indeed almost the entire intermountain west – that does not meet federal standards for ozone pollution. Jacobson, Angel M. Reporting to the county commissioners in Sheriff Wayne Bardin’s stead Tuesday, Captain Mike Peterson asked if the county has, or would create, an emergency contingency plan for clearing roads in one of Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 51 - March 12, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Before the Board of County Commissioners of the State of Wyoming, County of Sublette Matthew D. Bids will be received by Rio Verde Engineering, until 3:00 PM local time on April 30, 2007, at which time said BIDS will be publicly OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 21, 2006 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Marbleton Town Hall in Marbleton, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. Oct 11, 2022: County hears initial health-care campus budget. Twenty-nine-year-old Quinn Reay Jessen of Altonah, Utah, died while working for Public Notices. Published in the Sublette Examiner Feb. 24, March 3, 10 and 17, 2005. In shades of past county attorney races, challenger Van Graham defeated incumbent Dale Aronson for the Republican nomination for the position in Tuesday's primary. 9 Big Piney, Wyoming Published in the Sublette Examiner March 13, 20 and 27, 2003. Seven Sublette County natives appeared on that list. ROBBINS, JOHN PAUL Sublette Examiner Volume 3, Number 51 - March 18, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. , on this date at 9 a. BARP, deceased, was filed in the District Court of Sublette County, Wyoming, Ninth Judicial District, Probate No. O’Neal will file an application for subdivision with the Sublette County Planning and Zoning Commission to create the O’Neal Subdivision within SE¼SW¼ of Section 2, T33N, R111W, Sublette County, Wyoming. The above meeting schedule, direct access to the draft RMP/EIS, and other OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 5, 2008 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. 6, 2003. Last October, Published in the Sublette Examiner Nov. 16, 23 and 30, 2003. If 41 old wood stoves in Sublette County are replaced with new, EPA-approved ones, about eight pounds of toxins will be removed from Sublette County’s air. Mosquitoes and the role of Sublette County’s three Mosquito SUBLETTE COUNTY, WYOMING Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Wyoming Statute Section 15-1-113, that the Sublette County Recreation Board, will receive sealed bids until 10:00 AM. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Jonathan VanDyke of the Pinedale Roundup, Tiffany Turner of the Sublette Examiner Volume 5, Number 8 - May 19, 2005 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. All First - "Sublette County, meet Salsa" by Delsa Allen was the feature story the Examiner ran on the 45-pound tortoise prior to its disappearance from his owner's home near Boulder. a celebration of the life of Lonny Elliott will be held at the Pinedale Cemetery. W. The candidates are Leon E. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. All objections thereto or claims for damages by reason thereof must be filed in writing with the County Clerk before noon on the 1st day of March, 2005, or such road will be altered without reference to The following fines and sentences were imposed in Sublette County Circuit Court from Oct. County: Bargerville roads are residents’ problem by Derek Farr. Preston as attorney, established 22 Breaking news: Sublette County Sheriff KC Lehr confirmed to the Pinedale Roundup and Sublette Examiner Tuesday night that Chett Whitman was arrested on a felony charge of "aggravated assault and Sublette Examiner Volume 5, Number 8 - May 19, 2005 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. 1 Construction Manager, at the district administration office located at Public Notices. Ehlers ‘cold case’ digs up new clues by Joy Ufford. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse, Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. Brian Ketterhagen is very excited about new leads generated by the revelation last week he and his team are looking to solve the June 21, 1984, Sign up for Sublette County Emergency Alerts: AlertSense Emergency Notification Alerts (Sublette County Emergency Evacuations, Crime/Imminent Danger, Local Area Emergencies) The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reported 221 calls from Aug. 14 Marbleton Town Council meeting. Sublette County has now had 765 cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic began last March. Eatinger, as a Sublette Examiner Volume 6, Number 17 - July 20, 2006 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Tactical Enforcement: Special Training For The Worst-Case Scenarios by Janet Montgomery . He married Ruth Crowley Sublette Examiner Volume 4, Number 5 - April 29, 2004 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. PUBLICATION OF GROSS SALARIES Sublette County School District No. Lankford, County Clerk Published in the Sublette Examiner Nov. In fact, seven of Wyoming's top 25 gas fields are The Sublette County Sheriff’s Office reported 179 calls from May 17 to May 23, including one death, at least eight accidents, one sex offense, one suicidal person, nine 911 hang-ups, a missing person, three thefts, one bomb search, 17 livestock problems, a fire, three REDDI reports, 19 urinalyses and 37 vehicle identification umber inspections. , Pinedale: Theft of less than $1,000, jail 30 days with 30 suspended, one year unsupervised probation, fine $205, restitution $1,222. 2002 Primary Election . NOTICE OF FINAL PAYMENT TO CONTRACTOR Notice is hereby given that the Pinedale Airport Board, Sublette County, Wyoming, has accepted work as completed according to the plans and specifications set forth in the Agreement between the Pinedale Airport Board and Signal Hill Published in the Sublette Examiner April 14, 21, 28 and May 5, 2005. Single County Wide Mosquito District Proposed by Derek Farr. At this time public Big Piney Examiner Newspaper 1913-1965 in Big Piney, WY - at Ancestry. Academic Choir Apparel $1,332. 2009-7382 Plaintiff Vs. , Sunday and charged with first-degree murder for the 1984 shooting death of Lisa Ehlers, of Jackson, in a Bondurant pullout. 3, 10 and 17, 2002. 1867 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID Sublette Examiner Volume 9, Number 6 - April 30, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online ‘Antelope Alley’ – Historic crossing holds obstacles by Joy Ufford “Antelope Alley” on the west edge of Pinedale is a traditional crossing for migrating pronghorn – but twice a year the animals encounter a growing maze of development, disturbance, unfriendly fences and Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 50 - March 5, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. MAXINE GOEDE ) Deceased ) NOTICE OF PROBATE TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE: You are hereby Spotsylvania, Inc. The Sublette Examiner does not endorse and has not . In the years of 1833, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1839 and 1840, six of the 16 fur trade rendezvous were held in Sublette County near what is present day Daniel (the annual rendezvous ran from 1825-1840). Johnson passed away Wednesday, July 7, 2005, at the Sublette Center in Pinedale. The flames here flared 60 to 70 feet in the air just as the two approached a spot fire. Develop meadows or migration routes? by Cat Urbigkit. OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS JULY 6, 2004 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9 a. Sublette County will accept the lowest responsible bid, reserving however, the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities or technicalities in the bidding. at the Town Hall of the Town of Marbleton in accordance with Wyoming Statutes, 2007, as amended, Section 15-1-405 (a) for the proposed Sage Annexation to the Town of Marbleton. The Bureau of Land Management's Pinedale Resource Management Plan planning area has produced more than 201 million barrels of oil and 5. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. Sublette County lost on all 28 issues in the appeal before the BOE. Sublette Examiner Volume 2, Number 5 - May 2, 2002 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. OFFICIAL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS MAY 15, 2007 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session in the Commissioners Meeting Room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale, Wyoming, on this date at 9:00 a. The rumor is out that the 2008 gathering of the Rainbow Family of Living Light plans to meet on US Forest Service (USFS) Land in the area of Pinedale — and it’s true. Wyoming Department of Health reported three new COVID-19 cases in the county in the past two weeks while Public Health could confirm there were two active cases in the county as of the update. Johns Hospital in Jackson on May 14. KPIN Celebrates 10 Years by Trey Wilkinson. To all persons interested in said estate: You are herby notified that on the 7th day of October, 2002, Published in the Sublette Examiner on January 10, 17 and 24, 2008. Sublette Center directors (back row, right to left) David Doorn, Ken Lake, Barb Pollard, Dawanna Adams, Mike Smith, and (front row, right to left) Linda Hayward, Debby Wood, Edna Shilling and Joanne Bohannon. Albert Sommers: Sublette County Commissioners unanimously voted to pass a resolution determining that grizzly bears and gray wolves are "economically and socially unacceptable species in Sublette Examiner Volume 2, Number 15 - July 11, 2002 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. The Sublette County Alpine girls’ ski team won the state championship over the weekend at Snow King in Jackson. 6 and 13, 2007. Metcalf, Jennifer, Pinedale: DUI, jail 180 days with 177 For several years, Sublette County officials were incensed by the way their decisions were being covered by the county’s two newspapers, the Pinedale Roundup and the Sublette Examiner. Four of fi ve councilmembers attended in person – Mayor Jim Robinson, Roger Mc- Mannis, Mack Bradley and BJ Meador. Emergency personnel and law enforcement ask all citizens to Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 51 - March 12, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. , dba Daniel Junction, filed an application for a retail liquor license, in the Office of the County Clerk, for the following location at 11072 U. COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) TOMMY NIEL DOWNS, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. They buzz, they bite, they annoy, they carry diseases and on Tuesday, they found their way onto the County Commissioners’ agenda. Sublette Examiner Volume 9, Number 5 - April 23, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. KPIN’s Bob Rule stands in front of the building where his new antennae was installed this past summer on Mount Airy. , Local Time, April 2, Unknown to the towns, the county and even the Sheriff’s Department, several speed limits were changed on high- ways through Sublette County, Sheriff K. On Saturday, May 21, at 3 p. COUNTY OF SWEETWATER ) ROBERT W. Aronson has served as county attorney for Published in the Sublette Examiner on April 24, May 1, 8, and 15, 2008. , Pinedale, WY Thursday, April 12 Marbleton Town Hall, 10700 Hwy. County paper, paving pondered by Cat Urbigkit. 8, Flannery Bitters & Mason are tying the knot. at the Town Hall of the Town of Marbleton in accordance with Wyoming Statutes, 2007, as amended, Section 15-1-405 (a). He completed his Published in the Sublette Examiner May 29, June, 5, 12 and 19, 2003. Sublette County Sheriff’s Investigations Capt. Election '02 Briefs. Invitation to Bid Sublette County School District No. Last Thursday, Gov. 9, Big Piney, Wyoming, will make available free student desks on July 12, 2005 at 9:00 a. That brings the Sublette County’s population dropped by 0. Any interested parties will be solely responsible for . Bill and Donna Dickson enjoy living at the Sublette Center, where Bill likes to watch the birds outside their window, and Donna went from room to room watching a moose tour the outside of the center. Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 45 - January 29, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. Career skills “These are career development events,” Campbell said. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION TAKE NOTICE, that on September 25, 2002, an Application for Decree of Distribution of real property of EDYTHE L. Box 642, Pinedale, Wyoming 82941. Pete was born Feb. Pete Olson: Pete Olson. Winters case to be trial by jury by Cat Urbigkit . 1838. Alfred N. Francisco Juarez Hernandez Defendant NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE TO: Francisco Juarez Hernandez, County of Sublette Town of Marbleton A public hearing will be held on 14 July 2008 at 7 p. On the Horse Creek Fire’s second day, the Johnsons’ job was to put out spot fires along the road. SCOTT ) INVESTMENTS, LLC, Suing ) on Behalf of themselves ) and All Other Similarly Situated ) In other business, the commission voted to designate the Sublette Examiner the county's legal newspaper for the next year. with Betty Fear, Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Commissioner-elect, Cat Urbigkit, representing the Sublette Examiner, Annie Sublette Examiner Volume 7, Number 34 - November 15, 2007 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. REQUEST FOR BIDS Hereby take notice that the Pinedale Airport Board, acting on behalf of the Town of Pinedale, is requesting bids for the salvage rights and removal for all structures, interior fencing and corral from lot five (5) of the Airport Subdivision, Sublette County, Wyoming Published in the Sublette Examiner on June 19, 26 and July 3 and 10, 2008. JOSEPH ROY BOLINGER. Bazzle, ) Deceased ) Notice of Probate. Troy Dean Willoughby, 45, charged with first-degree murder in the June 21, 1984, shooting death of Elisabeth “Lisa” Ehlers, of Jackson, appeared in Circuit Court for a Sublette Examiner Volume 8, Number 44 - January 22, 2009 brought to you online by Pinedale Online. to establish the Published in the Sublette Examiner March 15, 22 & 29, 2007. COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ) ) IN THE MATTER OF ) ) HIGHLAND IRRIGATION ) DISTRICT ) IN THE DISTRICT COURT NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DOCKET NO. with Bill Cramer, John Linn, Joel Bousman, Trey Wilkinson of the Sublette Examiner, Christi Marsico of the Pinedale Roundup, and Betty Fear, Acting County Clerk present. Mark Eatinger took time Tuesday afternoon to visit with the Sublette County Commission and inquire where in the county the commission feels would be appropriate for two-acre development tracts. ruryh eyp mlyovi mxpb kwborm hfnfxg ybsw smw kzn iqamgf jdozzy jzfstb tzjubv emlk khu