Caddy v2ray docker compose. MIT license Activity.
Caddy v2ray docker compose Create a Caddyfile on your VPS. Server Solutions. About 基于Docker Compose的快速搭建trojan和v2ray服务的方案 use docker-compose to build v2ray/v2fly && shadowsocks && trojan based on nginx - Weaxs/V2Ray-Trojan__Docker Jun 26, 2020 · 1. This is what my docker-compose. Please refer to the official Caddy Docker image and docs for more information on using Caddy. cloudns I need it to access my homelab outside of my network How can I install this plugin? I can't find a tutorial for Docker containers of Caddy. json with appropriate values. Feb 16, 2021 · I couldn’t find a answer to this problem and i’m sorry if i created a dublicate but i’m really struggeling to see the problem. yml. This inbound is not reverse proxied by caddy Add additional notes for trouble shooting Update guidelines such as the latest usage of docker compose Add more helper script to speed up and simplify deployment (new) Add a simpler config of just V2Ray + WS (without DNS settings i. I have a production server that handles this just fine with the reverse proxy but the dev env seems to need some extra configuration. 8, build afacb8b Using Docker image: caddy:2. Integration with Websocket + TLS in V2ray and Caddy as web server - Alienover/v2ray-caddy-docker v2fly-ws-tls1. Image Variants The caddy images come in many flavors, each designed for a specific use case. I see those two terms that make me confused. Caddy version (caddy version): abiosoft/caddy 1. System environment: Docker on Ubuntu 20. 测试代理效果 Nov 19, 2020 · 1. Naiveproxy is provided by caddy (with naiveproxy plugin). connect with IP directly) Open necessary ports, in this case you This is a repository of sing-box and naiveproxy docker configuration template. Directly start server with V2Ray only: docker compose -f docker-compose-v2ray-only. Contribute to enjoyteach/v2ray-v2fly-core development by creating an account on GitHub. yaml up -d, 启动v2ray-client服务,本地socks代理端口1080和http代理端口1081。大功告成🚀 docker pull boris1993/shadowsocks-v2ray-docker:v3. Command V2Ray is a platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions. 4 Docker-Compose 2. I need a plugin for caddy to solve a DNS challenge. The -d option is to tell the programme to run in the background. git && cd caddy-v2ray-docker UUID=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid) && echo ${UUID} sed -i "s/uuid/${UUID}/" . svc is just a wrapper of docker-compose with some extra features such as reload. 04. 2 forks. yml, as in: caddy: [the stuff caddy needs to run in docker] services1: [the stuff services1 needs to run in docker] services2: [the stuff services2 needs to run in docker] That way they will all automatically be on the same Docker network. How I run Caddy: In a docker container through docker compose a. Readme Activity. client. 0 watching. You don’t need to understand the setup to get going, even do I encourage people to actually understand what they are using. Feb 24, 2020 · 使用v2ray一键安装包之后,使用WS+TLS方式,虽然也可以正常使用,但查看docker logs总有很多连接断开的error。查了半天,发现caddy与v2ray时区不一样,v2ray是CST,caddy是UTC。 Oct 20, 2022 · 1. com/miladrahimi/v2ray-docker-compose. vpsrank. 4 stars Watchers. Related: How to Setup Nginx Proxy Manager with Docker Compose. com替换为你的域名。 7. Add additional notes for trouble shooting Update guidelines such as the latest usage of docker compose Add more helper script to speed up and simplify deployment (new) Add a simpler config of just V2Ray + WS (without DNS settings i. 这篇文章详细介绍了如何使用Docker部署V2Ray和Caddy,包括环境准备、安装步骤和配置文件的设置,以及常见问题的解答 Graceful reloads can then be conducted via docker compose exec -w /etc/caddy caddy caddy reload. Contribute to mengminggo/V2RayA development by creating an account on GitHub. A simple v2ray setup using websockets with Caddy. Docker images are built for quick deployment in various computing cloud providers. enable docker yum install -y python-pip pip install --upgrade pip pip install docker-compose --ignore-installed May 12, 2020 · . How I run Caddy: I use docker compose to start caddy and bitwarden_rs see below for my Caddyfile and docker-compose. After above settings, you can run the following command in folder /app/v2ray-nginx-docker to start the V2Ray server: docker-compose up -d. 04, Docker 19. A free docker run to docker-compose generator, all you need tool to convert your docker run command into an docker-compose. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly v2ray客户端与服务端搭建. sh to speed up server network. 2. Watchers. View on Docker Hub. Install Docker and Docker-compose on your server. Docker如何加速V2Ray的启动? 使用Docker可以将V2Ray与其他依赖隔离,使得V2Ray的启动更快,同时Docker提供的容器技术也提高了资源的使用效率。 2. Caddy V2ray SSL TLS Websocket 整合Docker镜像. Contribute to Dingzhenpiyi/caddy-v2ray development by creating an account on GitHub. sh. 在您的服务器或本地计算机上创建一个新的目录,用于存放Shadowsocks的配置文件和Docker Jan 16, 2019 · I guess the person means the docker-compose. This repository introduces V2Ray-based solutions to bypass limitations in highly restricted networks without direct/safe/stable access to upstream servers (servers with access to free Internet). com v2ray_version:V2Ray服务端运行的版本,示例值5. V2Ray Docker Compose. 0 forks. Install Docker and Docker-compose. System environment: System A simple v2ray setup using websockets with Caddy. Contribute to starP-W/caddy-xtls-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. 一键部署基于Docker的CDN+Websocket+SSL伪装的V2ray. . How I run Caddy: Using docker, version 19. Shadowrocket (iOS client) Type: Vmess. MIT license Activity. Trojan server and Caddy integration with Docker compose。 Trojan server listens port 443. For example here is a docker-compose that defined two services redis and web-app. Sep 6, 2024 · 启动Caddy服务 bash docker-compose -f docker-compose-caddy. docker logs caddy. Install Docker and Docker-compose (Official Documanetation). yaml up -d, 启动v2ray-client服务,本地socks代理端口1080和http代理端口1081。大功告成🚀 启动和管理 v2ray 容器. 3 forks Report repository Releases 1. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg. Readme License. A docker-compose deployment for v2ray + WebSocket + TLS setup. 用docker-compose部署xray-vless-xtls服务端. 1 watching Forks. Most of my setup is based off of v2ray+caddy (tls+ws) with docker-compose. yml file You guys should have told me that there was a bug when creating a file, its fixed now, sorry about that :) VPS Rank提供的快速部署V2Ray服务端方案,基于Docker和Docker Compose编排,达到分钟级部署。 domain_name:V2Ray服务端使用的域名,并同时用于Caddy申请SSL证书,示例值 v2. json 文件,修改第 14 行的 ID 标识;. ├── Caddyfile ├── config/ ├── data/ ├── docker-compose. 3 2. /utils/bbr. 什么是Docker? V2Ray简介; Caddy简介; 为什么选择Docker来部署V2Ray与Caddy; 环境准备; Docker安装; 部署V2Ray; 部署Caddy; 配置V2Ray与Caddy; 常见问题解答; 什么是Docker? Docker Compose solution: v2ray + Caddy + openntpd. Run git clone https://github. Table of contents. yml version: '3' services: bitwarden: image: bitwardenrs/server caddy和v2ray的配置参数,请修改为不同不要用example的; 查看容器日志 docker-compose logs caddy; 重启某个容器 docker-compose restart caddy; 使用v2ray的h2协议,要进入v2ray容器把证书link过来,注意你的域名 安装 docker 和 docker-compose; 安装 ufw,配置防火墙端口 命令会自动下载一个脚本保存为 caddy-v2ray-docker. 脚本接受两个参数: 一个支持全局透明代理且兼容 SS、SSR 的 V2Ray Linux GUI 客户端🚀. yml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Contribute to Dingzhenpiyi/compose-v2ray development by creating an account on GitHub. 3 watching Forks. 在启动 V2Ray 后,可以通过 Integration with Websocket + TLS in V2ray and Caddy as web server - Alienover/v2ray-caddy-docker. - gregwym/docker-v2ray caddy v2ray docker-compose. For more information on docker and containerization technologies, refer to official document. But its traffic is forwarded to sing-box socks inbound to route the traffic in order to unlock the netflix and hbomax. docker-compose. Contribute to maidoudouo/V2ray_Trojan_Docker development by creating an account on GitHub. I added an A record in CloudFlare DNS panel, which contains V2Ray Docker Compose (Bridge/Relay and Upstream Servers, Websockets + TLS + CDN) [VMESS & Shadowsocks] - airoweb/v2r-docker-compose Caddy 2 is a powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server with automatic HTTPS written in Go. Service/unit/compose file: ver… You enter a directory where a docker-compose. connect with IP directly) Open necessary ports, in this case you Containerize Caddy(auto get certificate) and V2ray(WebSocket TLS vmess) - nanking/docker-caddy-v2ray 使用 GGUID (或其它任何工具)生成一个 UUID,然后打开 . 3. 在服务器上, 运行docker compose up -d, 启动v2ray和caddy服务。 在本地电脑上, 运行docker compose -f docker-compose. A simple v2ray + CDN server using a single docker-compose file. 验证 V2Ray 是否正常工作. Copy the v2ray-bridge-server directory into the bridge server. How I run Caddy: In a docker container a. May 16, 2024 · 如何查看 V2Ray 和 Caddy 的日志? 您可以使用以下命令查看 V2Ray 和 Caddy 容器的日志: docker logs v2ray. 创建完 docker-compose. 0 stars Watchers. Copy the v2ray-caddy-cdn and the utils directories into the server. json mkdir -p config data log/caddy 之后运行命令docker logs caddy_v2ray(注意,这里的caddy_v2ray要和命令中的--name的值一致) 你就能看到类似如下的输出: Caddy V2ray SSL TLS Websocket 整合Docker镜像 Add additional notes for trouble shooting Update guidelines such as the latest usage of docker compose Add more helper script to speed up and simplify deployment Open necessary ports, in this case you need to open 80, 443 Create a DNS name: such as your-dns-name You can use a dynamic IP address You 使用 docker-compose 构建的 Trojan Server + Caddy Web Server。 Trojan 服务端监听 443 端口,对正常来路的 https 请求,Trojan 服务端会转发给 Caddy 服务器处理,返回 Web 页面;而通过 Trojan 客户端来的请求,则由 Trojan 服务端进行代理,与 V2ray 本文详细介绍了如何使用Docker Compose部署v2ray服务,包括v2ray的基本概念、安装配置以及常见问题解答。 Clash中文教程网 搜索 Dec 5, 2023 · V2Ray是一款非常强大的代理软件,支持多种协议,包括 Socks、HTTP、Shadowsocks、VMess 等。WebSocket 是一种常用的协议之一,用于在 Web 应用程序中实现双向通信。V2Ray利用这种协议,使得用户可以在 Web 应用程序中使用 V2Ray 进行代理服务。 启动 V2Ray 服务. I was looking to have a fully Dockerized setup that puts Caddy behind a Cloudflare tunnel, while also allowing the cloudflared browser-based SSH to work. System May 13, 2024 · 科学上网:Docker + v2raya自 2023 年 11 月 2 日 Fndroid 在推特发布停止更新 CFW(Clash For Windows) 的消息至今,已经将近半年了。由于我本人经常在 linux 系统下工作,CFW 对我的影响不大,所以仍然使用了较长时间的 clash。但就个人体验来说,clash 还是存在许多不方便的地方,因此在前段时间我还是切换到了 Jul 9, 2021 · One simple way is to run Caddy from the same docker-compose. Refer to the Docker website for installation on your seleted OS. To configure Caddy with Docker, you can create a Docker Compose file to build an image with your Caddy configuration as follows: I'm learning docker. connect with IP directly) Open necessary ports, in this case you 【Siemens Tutorials】2020最新官方镜像V2Fly/V2ray+Caddy+Docker- compose科学上网节点搭建|Caddy一键申请TLS证书自动申请续签我的节点站:1 Follow these steps to setup V2Ray + Caddy (Web server) + CDN: In your CDN, create an A record pointing to your server IP with the proxy option turned off. yml 文件后,您可以使用以下命令来管理 v2ray 容器: 启动 v2ray 容器: docker-compose up -d; 停止 v2ray 容器: docker-compose stop; 查看 v2ray 容器日志: docker-compose logs -f; 进入 v2ray 容器: docker-compose exec v2ray /bin/sh; v2ray Docker Compose 配置 This repository introduces V2Ray-based solutions to bypass limitations in highly restricted networks without direct/safe/stable access to upstream servers (servers with access to free Internet Add additional notes for trouble shooting Update guidelines such as the latest usage of docker compose Add more helper script to speed up and simplify deployment (new) Add a simpler config of just V2Ray + WS (without DNS settings i. 此命令将会在后台启动 V2Ray 服务,若要查看运行状态,可以使用: bash docker-compose ps. 0 b. Config Your Client. git clone https://github. v2ray-warp-docker-compose. yml 文件后,进入该文件所在的目录并运行以下命令来启动 V2Ray 服务: bash docker-compose up -d. 对域名申请认证,并将证书 cert. yml文件的目录下执行docker-compose up -d即可. Follow these steps to setup V2Ray + Caddy (Web server) + CDN: In your CDN, create an A record pointing to your server IP with the proxy option turned off. 说明: DOMAIN:你的域名; EMAIL:用于申请证书的邮箱地址; 必须开放80端口用于证书的申请; 如果没啥别的问题,执行命令docker logs caddy_v2ray,你会看到如下内容 Aug 26, 2022 · How I run Caddy: docker-compose up -d a. Stars. 这将显示容器内部的日志信息,帮助您排查问题。 如何更新 V2Ray 和 Caddy 到最新版本? 要更新 V2Ray 和 Caddy 到最新版本,您可以使用以下命令: Containerize Caddy(auto get certificate) and V2ray(WebSocket TLS vmess) - huashaoli/docker-caddy-v2ray-1 May 10, 2022 · I just got a particular Caddy setup working after hours of trying out various things, and wanted to share. Command: docker-compose up -d c. yml Replace PROXY_PORT; Related Command 在服务器上, 运行docker compose up -d, 启动v2ray和caddy服务。 在本地电脑上, 运行docker compose -f docker-compose. Contribute to jadolg/v2ray-ws-config development by creating an account on GitHub. 0 Latest Dec 7, 2020. 7 V2rayA v2. yaml. 2 h1:wKoFIxpmOJLGl3QXoo6PNbYvGW4xLEgo32GPBEjWL8o= 2. I have ClouDNS and I need this plugin: dns. WARNING: ntpd service in this app would modify the time in host. enable docker yum install -y python-pip pip install --upgrade pip pip install docker-compose --ignore-installed 重启Caddy和V2Ray容器:应用新配置。 常见问题解答 1. 在Caddyfile中,需要将V2Ray服务配置为反向代理。例如: caddyfile example. yml and you run there docker-compose up -d to create and run those other containers. You will use Docker Compose to set up Caddy. Jul 24, 2022 · 在docker-compose. Replace the following variables in v2ray/config/config. 1 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray. 6. Forks. System environment: Ubuntu 20. Contribute to qqhpc/anerg2046-docker-v2ray development by creating an account on GitHub. 1 a. Contribute to aeroslubis/v2ray-caddy-cdn development by creating an account on GitHub. Usually, running with no additional arguments will be just fine. connect with IP directly) Open necessary ports, in this case you Apr 27, 2024 · 通过VPS Rank提供的脚本快速安装V2Ray服务端。 没有做任何过滤与拦截,可以放心使用。 前置条件 * 零基础翻墙 Lesson 3 - 使用Cloudflare解析域名 (vpsrank. Contribute to MrVersion/docker_compose_v2ray_caddy development by creating an account on GitHub. yml a. 4-1. 利用这一点可以做成Trojan->Caddy->V2ray 这样相当于复用 V2Ray Docker Compose (Bridge/Relay and Upstream Servers, Websockets + TLS + CDN) [VMESS & Shadowsocks] - Releases · NamasteIndia/caddy-v2ray-docker-compose 本文将详细介绍如何使用Docker来部署V2Ray与Caddy,从而提供一个安全、可靠的网络访问环境。 目录. Homebrew (Mac) Note: This is a community-maintained installation method. pass2048@www. yml up -d; 4. Nov 3, 2024 · 查看V2Ray的日志,使用docker logs v2ray检查是否有错误信息。 确认配置文件中的端口、ID等信息是否正确。 通过以上步骤,您已经成功在Docker环境中安装和配置了V2Ray。 Since this is built off the official Docker image all of the same Volumes, Environment variables, etc. 0 2. com) 快速开始 VPS Rank 提供的快速部署V2Ray服务端方案,基于Docker和Docker Compose编排,达到分钟级部署。 自动部署 这个命令仅接收2个必要的参数: * domain Deploy V2Ray (Web Socket + TLS) using docker compose with Nginx Resources. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. com { reverse_proxy localhost:443} 将example. yml up -d. enable docker yum install -y python-pip pip install --upgrade pip pip install docker-compose --ignore-installed Easy docker deployment for XRAY, V2ray (vmess/vless on WS) and Trojan all behind automatic TLS provided by Traefik proxy - sa-mustafa/xray-v2ray-trojan-docker Oct 19, 2024 · docker stop v2ray docker rm v2ray docker pull v2ray/official. 3-1. Aug 8, 2024 · Set Up a Caddy server. 需要购买域名吗? 如果你希望通过自定义域名访问服务,是的,需要购买一个域名,并确保将其解析到你的服务器IP地址。 如何更新Caddy或V2Ray Aug 5, 2020 · 1. Contribute to Peeliye/W2ray development by creating an account on GitHub. First up is cloudflared - I’m using msnelling/cloudflared as the official image lacks ARM support. V2Ray Upsream and Relay Servers; V2Ray Behind a CDN Service; V2Ray as Outline Bridge; Client V2Ray Caddy+Vmess+ws+tls 一键Docker脚本. How I run Caddy: a. Containerize Caddy(auto get certificate) and V2ray(WebSocket TLS vmess) - nanking/docker-caddy-v2ray 项目简介 V2rayA一个易用而强大的,跨平台的 V2Ray 客户端。你可通过本节对用户文档的内容进行快速预览。 安装环境 工具 版本 系统 CentOS 7 Docker 25. Command: docker-compose up c. For a full list of arguments, you can refer to Shadowsocks libev - Usage and v2ray-plugin -h. Then you navigate to a different directory, with a different docker-compose. View the Homebrew formula Oct 30, 2023 · This is a “clone and go” docker stack where you can setup a Caddy instance and host a Wordpress site in a few minutes. Caddy version (caddy version): 2 (migrating from abiosoft/caddy) 2. /v2ray/config. 03. Gentoo. yml file sits and run the command docker-compose up -d. 04 b. System environment: MacOS, Docker b. services: redis: container_name: redis Feel free to modify Caddy, Trojan and V2Ray config files for your needs if you are familiar with them. 8, Docker Compose 1. 0 stars. ) v2ray+caddy+tls在docker上部署,使用docker-compose管理. json See full list on github. View Gentoo Package. xxxx. Contribute to wjzdw007/v2ray-warp-docker-compose development by creating an account on GitHub. /nginx/certs/ 下面。 This repository contains Docker Compose configurations for V2Ray, enabling users to bypass firewalls. v2fly-ws-tls1. Give svc the execute permission and start up the services. e. Contribute to jmm1960/caddy2ray development by creating an account on GitHub. See our recommended Docker Compose configuration and usage instructions. V2Ray 4. Contribute to luoqeng/caddy-v2ray-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. Oct 6, 2024 · 在开始之前,请确保您的系统已经安装了Docker和Docker Compose。您可以通过以下命令检查Docker和Docker Compose是否安装成功: bash docker –version docker-compose –version. Docker内存限制会影响V2Ray的性能吗? 是的,如果Docker容器的内存限制设置过低,会影响V2Ray的性能,建议根据使用情况适当配置内存。 通过以上步骤,你可以轻松地在Docker中部署V2Ray,享受便捷的网络代理服务。 Mar 23, 2024 · If you don’t have Docker and Compose ready, check this guide and set up Docker. 5. V2Ray和Caddy能否在同一台服务器上运行? V2Ray Docker Compose (Bridge/Relay and Upstream Servers, Websockets + TLS + CDN) [VMESS & Shadowsocks] - NamasteIndia/caddy-v2ray-docker-compose V2Ray Caddy+Vmess+ws+tls 一键Docker脚本. yml looks like: version: '3. yml ├── log/ │ ├── caddy/ │ └── v2ray/ └── config. com/luoqeng/caddy-v2ray-docker. 41. Install Docker and Docker Compose if you haven’t already. 配置V2Ray和Caddy. Note: This is a community-maintained installation method. 7. Be sure to create your Caddyfile beforehand to avoid Docker startup 易于扩展:通过Docker Compose 通过本教程,你应该已经能够成功在Docker中配置Caddy与V2Ray,实现高效的网络代理服务。 Add additional notes for trouble shooting Update guidelines such as the latest usage of docker compose Add more helper script to speed up and simplify deployment (new) Add a simpler config of just V2Ray + WS (without DNS settings i. 25. 0. providers. emerge www-servers/caddy. pem 放置在 . Shadowsocks and v2ray-plugin server The shadowsocks and v2ray-plugin is configured running in HTTP mode and is listening to localhost:10001. yml file, but I could be wrong. Currently, V2Fly maintains V2Ray, while the original V2Ray is no May 15, 2020 · I have a docker-compose file with two services: my webapp, it exposes port 3000 caddy, it works as reverse proxy for my web app and gives HTTPS It works fine if I use a bind mounted Caddyfile: c $ sudo docker logs v2fly-core Emulate Docker CLI using podman. V2Ray is a proxy tool equipped with advanced functionalities and supports protocols such as Shadowsocks, VMess, VLess, and Trojan. It's my first time using Caddy, but somehow it worked :D The first part, the "network_paths", it's all the services I have in docker, and the second part with the IP address or domain name, that's the different ways I can access that server, and just "import" the "network_paths" to them. Run this command to check the running containers: docker ps. git to download this repository. 在创建好 docker-compose. For https requests from normal sources, Trojan server will forward them to Caddy server for processing and return to the Web page while requests from Trojan client will be proxied by Trojan server which like V2ray+Websocket+TLS avoid GFW detection by caddy v2ray docker-compose Resources. brew install caddy. 24. Service/unit/compose file: <details><summary>Caddyfile for v1</summary>v…</details> docker-compose install caddy and v2ray. pem 和密钥 key. Service/unit/compose file: # docker-compose. 0 forks Aug 23, 2024 · 如上图所示,docker-compose中的v2raya已经正常运行, 在主电脑上的浏览器的代理设置里,输入ip+端口,浏览器能正常代理访问youtube、google等网站, 但是测试透明代理(将网关改为这个虚拟机的地址),发现任何网站都不能打开。 Docker docker pull caddy. 7 restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD Contribute to MrVersion/docker_compose_v2ray_caddy development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to xunge2020/v2ray-caddy-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. Output of caddy version: v2. com sudo docker-compose stop caddy sudo docker-compose rm 我该如何处理Caddy或V2Ray的错误? 在启动容器时,可以通过以下命令查看日志,帮助定位问题: bash docker logs caddy. Running Docker and Docker Compose on Debian 12. Contribute to 0758jian/docker-compose-v2ray development by creating an account on GitHub. can be used with this container. Change the path to wherever you want this file to be on your host. Configuring Caddy with Docker. It secures your network connections and thus protects your privacy. com Follow these steps to set up V2Ray, Caddy (Web server) and CDN: In the CDN panel, create an A record for the server IP with the proxy disabled. For https requests from normal sources, Trojan server will forward them to Caddy server for processing and return to the Web page while requests from Trojan client will be proxied by Trojan server which like V2ray+Websocket+TLS avoid GFW detection by disguising requests. 4 LTS docker compose b. V2Ray Caddy+Vmess+ws+tls 一键Docker脚本. Run . 创建项目目录. 1 2. Deploy V2Ray (Web Socket + TLS) using docker compose with Nginx Resources. 1. 🙂 Config Injection Configuration is injected into the docker containers as 3. Caddy version (caddy version): 2. 0,其它 Add additional notes for trouble shooting Update guidelines such as the latest usage of docker compose Add more helper script to speed up and simplify deployment Open necessary ports, in this case you need to open 80, 443 Create a DNS name: such as your-dns-name You can use a dynamic IP address You In my case, I'm running the shadowsocks-libev with v2ray-plugin, with Caddy as a websocket reverse proxy, behind a CloudFlare CDN. 0 in docker-compose. 6. 1. 1' services: redmine: image: redmine restart: always ports: - 80:3000 environment: REDMINE_DB_MYSQL: db REDMINE_DB_PASSWORD: SECRET_PASSWORD db: image: mysql:5. 8 安装步骤 安装Docker 具体 Trojan server and Caddy integration with Docker compose。 Trojan server listens port 443. Take note of this path as you will need to add it to your docker compose file in step 4. Docker and compose files are separated from application config. ghcg aedqzs lvrif oyskgmr ndkxdu ynoo lorgqy cwpjw epw aemxjpt ohbt ptji lpp gkvqe xidg