Conan exiles best weapon type reddit They do have agility and strength damage bonuses and I believe they utilize them, however thralls are pretty bad with agility bases weapons, the only ones they are somewhat better with imo are whirlwind blades, Serpentes swords or war sickles, which is because they utilize the one handed axe combo set + the dual wield combo set, they do full combos and will kick thralls a decent amount which You can carry 50,000 stone or whatever with no problems, while without it, you can barely carry a set of heavy armour and a weapon. Saw a video by some guy comparing dps from the best craftables with the best legendaries, and this sword was better than the legendaries. And would there be any further types of sword combo/animations then? I have: 2H, 1H, shortsword, katana. If you're on console, 2h mace is criminally underrated, hyper armour on all light and heavy attacks makes life so easy. Thunnha is best for Siptah. A normal teimos beats a good relic or berserker and levels much more fast them then. It isn't the animation that does the damage, just the weapon. So i don't see much points in giving a weapon that deals one of the two to a thrall. damage, penetration or durability for weapons). One handed Sword, Teliths Lament, One less damage than the Black Ice Broadsword but the BIB uses more stamina per swing. So you have to repair the weapon after you add the mod in order to get more durability. mean new weapons You can realistically use any weapon for PvE but personally I find one handed axe and mace or greatsword the best for groups of mobs and then shortsword, one handed mace and spear for single target. 3 in PS4 a couple weeks ago, but I couldn't test it properly until this past weekend. Sunder isn't great since you're dealing damage over time that doesn't care about your armor pen. If youre dead set on an agility weapon, the short sword would probably be best, but, like I said you’re better off running only maces As almost all information on the net is quite outdated I was wondering what is currently the best one handed weapon for PVE in conan. When I first got Conan, I got a promo for Conan's Sword and Armor. ) Also bladesmith is not that needed since best weapons are legendaries. Now you can craft epic armors and weapons. That's a bit trickier. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online The Conan Exiles 2024 Experience It comes down to your personal preference and your playstyle. arena champ) of their feet which is nice. At lvl60, you enter late game. Oct 23, 2023 路 Short sword or 1 handed spear is good for hitting only singular enemies, such as when wanting to thin out groups to make it easier to knock out a thrall you want. Strength gives you more weapon type. ) As you find them, compare them to the best version of the same weapon type you currently use to get a sense of how they'll differ. Throwing Axe of Nergal is best on Siptah. Well, the goal of this weapon is to bleed + poison yourself. You need to have a bonus accuracy weapon. Also, if you equip a one-handed weapon and a throwing axe in your off-hand it will also count as dual-wielding (and give you the whirlwind heavy attack). 1H Mace - Best Single Target, Boss Killing (Highest Hyper Armour) 2H Sword - AoE vs Multiple Targets, OK Single Target Every other option is inferior in the hands of Thralls, folks will have lots of personal opinions on things they "like" but if you're talking raw killing ability those are your two choices. I have 500 armour on a medium armour build, and they hit for 70% of my HP, the sword skeleton being the worst offender, with a chance to cripple, and f Mordlun’s Spear mixed with maxed authority specked into the well trained perk and a t3 nordhiemer is literally broken. The required level to craft it is technically level 10 (the level you get the smithy unlock) as you need to craft it at a blacksmiths bench for the low low cost of a single fragment of power and a severed leg. Related Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming forward back r/CloneHero Clone Hero Discord server: https://discord. It basically removes 'weight' as a mechanic from the game, and in PvE there's no reason not to take it, as it's just a massive QoL and spoils you really. Examples: daggers, one-handed axes, etc. Invest heavily into grit. My advice is to get yourself a one-handed axe. They all come in 3 specialties that increases a certain value more then others (e. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online TIL golems can be made without arms. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online have 3 Conan swords at my new job, sorry forgot to take a picture of the 3rd The weapons are pretty great too, it adds a bunch of new types with their own styles. Cimmerian berserker with the same weapon and any armor at hardened steel or higher can likely solo almost every boss in the game while you sit back and sip a beer. If you want an axe, you need either a religious one (I forget which) or the Ancient Lemurian Axe(recipe found in the sunken city dungeon). Let us write here what each one of us think of each weapon type. Then add another to your repertoire. Buffs. I can use agi daggers and a str sword for instance without losing damage. Still learning the game so I mean attributes, but are certain attributes also better with certain type of armour or weapons? Other than Str with str weapons and Agi with Agi weapons. Fistblades, Katanas, etc. They're not the most amazing weapon and short swords beat the pants off of them, but they're a fun weapon. (Don't use them to carry your tools because they will attack with your pic, etc and that just gets silly. One tip I will say IS almost necessary though is always carry a weapon with good armor penetration like one handed mace or hammer. For Siptah, War Hammer of the Legion. 4. The most important thing is to use what you are comfortable with. I'm particularly curious in one handed axes, I've been playing around with "act of violence" and from all information I've managed to find the axe was nerfed into oblivion. If you play against other humans (or make the warmaker dungeon), you need high AP. What are the best material types for end game weapons / tools etc, and which ones do you basically skip? General Stuff like Acheronian seems like you basically have no reason to even learn it, because Black Blood tools are easier to farm and are just flat out better, and by the time you reach Acheronian tier you can pretty easily just get Black I dislike suggesting weapon types as what weapon type you're good with depends on your play style and personal preference. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Ok from playing the game this is what I’ve experienced so far, most fighters can handle any type weapon, dancers do better with agility weapons and depending on their stats can do well with a one handed strength weapon (especially a mace), archers obviously bows but also can do one agility and one strength (depend on their stats), brutes are good with strength weapons and daggers, and now I Related Conan Exiles Open world Survival game Action-adventure game Gaming forward back r/2007scape The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. For thralls momentum is the best weapon, 1h maces (without shield) in general seem to have the best behaviour on them and momentum is balanced around costing more stamina which does nothing on thralls. So far i found only strength damage weapons like glimmermoon, forgelight, jedias greatsaber and night light. Spears have reach. But momentarily the best weapons for thralls are (in this order): Momentum ( Highest DPS, awesome Armor pen, good attack combos) Hanuman's Gada (High burst DMG, good Armor pen, less combos and slower attacks) And until lvl60 you should focus on finding named thralls. Edit: actually, load changes how stamina regens. 2h sword is great. Musashi is bis now with it being so available through the raid. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) Hi, we received 2. Weapons. Then use it until I can craft steel weapons. The best PvE weapon is a good thrall with either a 2h Greatsword or a 1h Mace of the best quality you can get, Telith's Sorrow (crafted with a T4 Bladesmith), Sword of Crom, Nortis, Aja's Bane, all are good end game targets. This does not apply to daggers. Ay, this be true matie, exiled lands best would e 2h venom sword or tenderizer, it sucks cause the buffed enemies from stronger weapons from siptah but left the exiled lands out of the 5 o'clock free Crack giveaway, i. DoT mechanics are more helpful against enemies where you won't always be able to attack effectively but have to burn through a lot of HP (i. And you'll want to craft these high end weapons with a T4 crafting thrall. I'm not an experienced player but so far 2h weapons seem like they need a bit of caution due to being slower. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Best weapon by far is a bow with a Best is subjective, the actual best thralls are rare, Sonja the Strider, beast tamer Frida etc but are hard to get since they only come from certain purges. I think stamina usage is now tied to carrying load, not armor, but would need to check. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. The little blue icon on the thrall tells you which it is. A lot of the same weapons are still the strongest, Teliths greatsword, Lemurian daggers/axe/spear black ice broadsword etc. Each player could make arguments for what they think is best, but this is what's been proven to work. Purges throw large waves of bodies at you so TBH I find just raw damage works best. Edit: minus the bow last time I crafted it before the nerf. Here's the wiki page detailing all saddle stats and looks. Always check their stats. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Can't stop laughing at my attempt to build a "tree" 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ The beak - best two handed axe Venomdrenched katana - best katana Mace of the great ones - great mace Voidforge bow - no contest Chakrams from harpy/jhil vault, best claw type. I think the best food to feed your horse is indeed Vines because it improves the horse's chance to grow its Vitality. Northern Timber, Sand & Stone, Arena Pier : All by the same mod author these are fantastic build sets, as well as Arena Pier expanding on Vanilla sets! You should mostly see the bonuses the armor is giving you and which weapon and playstyle you like more. I wanted to know if the Voidforge Gladius is an Agility or Strength weapon? I think what bratwurst is saying is that you'll have the recipes for the weapons, armour, building pieces from the start once you buy a dlc, but you need late game resources to craft the building pieces (armour and weapons are relatively easy to get) You can fight with this type of weapon in 2 stances Defensive stance : B-sword + shield - lower attack speed, higher attack range and dmg, combos like normal sword + shield but A bit slower Offensive stance : b-sword: - combos like normal 2h sword, lower dmg and range but attacks hella faster than regular 2h sword A 1 hand weapon and a shield can confound an opponent as well. weapon Suppose I should say feroxic daggers, I prefer Kris, but 8 can see the appeal. Brutus - best mother humping weapon of them all, that dog kicks ass! What is in your opinion the best weapon type for a thrall guarding the base in PvP? So that he can actually put up some fight with players and at least buy some more time. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Fellow Cimmerians, I have ascended Also swings to kill different type of mobs might make some weapons better than others depending on situation. Saying swords or spears or any weapon is more agility or strength based is kinda skewed. gg/Hsn4Cgu So, everything from swords to throwing weapons combining with certain armor types. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online We all value different treasure. I will go over what I consider the Best in Slot weapon for each type though. Equip it before you put points into your attributes otherwise, you won't hit 40 accuracy. Hope this was helpful Your girl Myra~ A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Is master weapon fitting the best Gloomhaven, Jaws of the Lion, and Frosthaven are cooperative games of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is played over many game sessions. Daggers are fast and the dodge is a backflip, and the blades cause bleed. Elixirs if you're fancy and rich. Adds a bunch of new weapons, as well as new weapon types! Even alters some vanilla weapon movesets. In general RHTS are the best for agility and Cimmerian Berserkers are the best for Strength, you can use RHTS for strength but you’re wasting that 20 starting agility. I like javelins. Same thing with the armor. For example ALL spears apply bleed and cripple on the last heavy attack. So you just need to look at the best you can craft. You can loot legendary chests. I find it best to use when facing many enemies and swithing to the single when dealing with a solo or boss. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan… A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online TIL golems can be made without arms. For thralls the 2h sword seems to work best IME. If I'm traveling with a thrall, I try to have a weapon that sunders or cripples. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! What is like, the weapon with which thralls attack more often?(i heard that there were some problems with thralls not using combos with some weapon types) I personally use Hardened steel 2H axes, solely for the DPS(with an advanced weapon upgrade it can reach, imo, starmetal dps without actually using starmetal) and for bleed, for my T4, and Get 3 szeth’s truncheons (easy to farm), the best blunted weapon fittings on all of em, 20 in authority for 120% increased concussive damage, some armor with like 60% concussive weapon damage, some food (and I think an elixir) for some more concussive damage, and pick war party at 20 authority and give your thralls the other 2 truncheons… and it’s just funny. for. Gameplay Forego agility weapons, thralls are pretty bad with them (unless you’re talking legendary in which case there’s a few good ones) Best craftable strength weapon for thralls in the bar stool. In short: Star metal weapons, specifically Short Swords (Agility) and Great Axes (Strength) will give you the most dmg for crafted weapons in terms of numbers. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! I'm looking for agility weapons that provide light, for exiles or siptah, no mods, does anyone found any? Best if there is a recipe to learn. I only feel like 4 categories have very clear winners for "best" weapon. dealing. Thralls will use any weapon type, they’re just better with certain ones based off how they are programmed, agility thralls are kind of screwed since they just poke people with knives a few times then backflip away, katanas they will fly off randomly with the heavy attack and not hit people or do the stupid blood fling animation constantly, gladius are ok but again they will just poke people Best normal (without purchthralls) thrall you can get ist beastmaster teimos, sure, not the best dmg, but we tested it. Bearers: Whatever T4 you run across, they're all pretty much the same. This change will just force everyone to give their thralls all the legendary weapons and make players mostly rely on weapons that can be repaired. There are a lot of new things, like rough wraps and aloe potions and huge workstations and a new way of handling temperature (which I love because now armors make sense), but my biggest surprise (specially since I don't recall reading about it here) was the new superpowered rocknoses. The Reach of the Red Mother (Shown Above) truly extends your reach further than her's ever was! If you’re like me then you’ll love the idea of taking the bones of your enemy and crafting them into a weapon you can use against them. Another personal opinion, the greatsword or 2 handed sword is the best it terms of balance in damage, armor penetration, stamina cost, and combo. Depends on if you want to go strength or agility. You'll need named armorers to craft specific flawless armors. 252K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. The lunge and 3x stab and backstep also have their uses. (Best thrall in general is orvar from the berserker purch I think) For armor (exiles land) I prefer You could have 3 different spears with 3 different stat "weighting" if that makes sense. Be able to swap weapons freely mid combat. What is missing? Legendary chest weapons are the bottom of the barrel of "good" weapons. e. There's agility weapons in conan that look like they should be strength (even some bows shouldn't be agility weapons) and the opposite aswell. The heavy attacks hit in a very wide arc in front of you so you'll be much less likely to accidentally miss. a dangerous world boss you have to keep distance from or get one-shotted). Any weapon that is a "dualwield" weapon will do the whirlwind (like Havoc & Malice). 1h axes can sweep NPCs (including. The animations do very from weapon type to type. damage. The Reach is still the best bow on base stats however Bessie's, having power draw, is debatable if it does more overall damage. I use a two handed sword. I wouldn't say it's an "advantage," though. I don't happen to know which type Beri is, but the most reliable T4 blacksmith farming spot is Freya's Hovel. As people already said combining poison and gouging with bleed is pretty good but the diseased is great too. The best one-handed axe: Yog's Touch; One-handed Mace: Ghoulbone; One-handed Shortsword: Reaping; One-handed Spear: Riptide; One-handed Sword: The Predatory Blade; Daggers: Gremlin Fangs; Great Axe: The Beak; Katana: Musashi's Black Blade; Two-handed Mace: Abyssal Club; Two-handed Spear: Mordlun Dec 5, 2019 路 The best weapon is the best you have… Dmg wise would be Sword of Crom, Blade of Adventurer or Teliths sorrow good. That's still the case, but they can actually use more types now pretty decent. If you're on a full build strength, for example, it may be best to use heavy. I have archers with way more strength than agility so I just switch them over to swords. Black Ice is best for Exile Lands. Some weapons have higher damage values, others have less but will also grant additional benefits like poison or extra attribute points, like +5 Strength. If you give them 2 melee weapons, they may go either way. Legendary weapons will generally be better than other top-tier types, including Star Metal (but there are exceptions. I haven’t tried putting the reinforcement kit on legendary weapons or armor yet, I’m afraid to without access to legendary repair kits. Javelin. I use Axe of the Gate Guardian, but other bonus accuracy weapons like Eye of the Khan works too. Hey guys, I am playing Conan Exiles Age of Sorcery with the new Strength Weapon Damage and Agility Weapon Damage attributes that have been added to the game. Iron Pike kill a hyena in 2 hits while iron sword need 3 hits (actual DPS get quite high when talking swings to kill since you never count the first swing if you are in a position to land the alpha strike). Oct 18, 2022 路 These are the best weapons in Conan Exiles. g. Now I must repair the weapon for it to have more durability. The legion weapons (if you're on siptah or have access to the recipes through a private server admin) are probably still the best craftable weapons. Hope to have helped and that you have a great time out there! A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! The best thralls IMO are 3 zombies A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online Going for a nice dive in the water until In the end conan combat is not about the best builds the best poison the best cheese its about knowing its mechanics learning them can take time but it has much more depth than people realises. Obsidian Hammer seems to be the best two handed hammer on exile lands, please correct me if I'm mistaken. Hello Conan community, just wanted to get others peoples opinion of what is the best armour set or mix for damage and defence, I usually rock the aspect of the wolf helmet for 15% damage (to my knowledge). You'll eventually want all three types, but your basic workhorse type is Edgesmith or Bladesmith, which will increase the damage number of crafted weapons. Black Ice is the best on Exile Lands. Daggers are wait N bleed and most 1h weapons, maybe combined with a shield just seem like very easy to use which ain't bad but I'm looking for a challenge. Only weapon types/categories, not an specific model or named one. Put a master weapon fitting on the sword of Crom and give it to your thrall after the update. Join us for game discussions, tips and tricks, and all things OSRS! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. I would say if you like using War Party then the highest modifier thrall you can get would be better because they won't get any bonuses from your attributes or gear so they are relying only on their own stats. Drops are competitive for 1H maces, swords, and bows. The combos will be different, but the damage would depend on the weapon type and weapon. It's craftable and doesn't even require star metal. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! For thralls the best weapons of that type on Siptah are probably the Grey one weapons which adds bleeding to all weapon types. . Anything lower than T4, kill on sight for bearer packs. It will throw people off. Throwing Axe. This is it. Weapons of the same type apply the same status effects on the various combo stages of the weapon type. 1h mace, 2h sword and 2h mace are still tops though, they're also kinda just top types period even for players. Armors though right now for agility builds it's easily the Skelos Master Cultist. Best PvE Weapon (Player): Musashi's Black Blade, Katana randomly found in world boss chests with world boss keys. I just love rolling thrust and quickfooted, and str And while the dual weapon attacks are faster, they deal a little less damage than just weilding the weapon without the throwing axe. Nov 13, 2023 路 Here’s a few weapons that can make revenge cathartic again. Dancers: T4 Sep Dancers set up as per RHTS if you want one following you, for Base Dancers the T3's out of Conan's Bar have a good variety of appearance and body types. And others will save you immensely on resources to craft things. Would the axe-like khopesh fit in as a 1H or does it have a unique fighting style? How about other weapon types? I think there are punching daggers and I would assume they are different than a regular set of daggers. I will loot and just give to my thralls. Gouging is one of the few DoT that can be applied to undead and stone enemies and the diseased damage is proportional to the target's max health. For most effective option, I'd say short sword. That sort of thing. They are too heavy for players to use efficiently but in the hands of a thrall they are great, I use one hand maces to get both sunder and bleed with really high damage. If you can get a voidforged gladius, you'll likely never look at another weapon again. Now when I start I just raid the npc camps for the materials to quickly make Conan's Sword. Also, str gives xtra encumbrance and both str/agi give a little, not much, but still just a bit of added damage regardless of what weapon type. There is, imo, no such thing as a "best" weapon, except maybe for the voidforged gladius, it depends on what you are up against. Yeah realistically anything with a 2. Dec 23, 2021 路 Light attack wont throw the javalin away, uses next to no stamina, and counts as a melee attack so it gets stronger with strength stat. Currently I am using a Teimos thralls with maces and ofc gas masks, but it seems that they can't land almost any hits on skilled players during the base defense. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This game is so much cooler than it has any right to be A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) 251K subscribers in the ConanExiles community. Highly Subjective list of best PvE items, not taking into account the endless possibilities of corruption. I’ve just recently started playing Conan a few weeks ago , not had much time on due to work etc but when I get on I find a lot of the weapons I have are rubbish , I’m level 55 on a public official server I’m just wondering what are good weapons to make / use / find because I’m getting sick off doing no damage to most NPCs I’ve unlocked everything except Star metal is it called ? If they have a ranged weapon and a melee weapon, they will likely attack with the method you told them to prioritize. If you are looking for good thrall weapons, maces are the best because the AI uses these weapons the best out of all of them. Their stats will impact the usefullness of that weapon. In my opinion axes are the best weapon type in the game for dealing with groups of regular mobs/npcs. For Stormbreaker, probably the Lemurian War Axe for non DLC items, and either the Turanian War Axe or the Aquilonian War Axe if you have the DLC content. Some bosses like the brittle Skeleton Bosses in the cellar, hit like a train, but take little damage. Is there a PvP meta for weapon types? I don’t know the different between light armour and heavy other than I assumed it offers more of less armour. Go with Telith's Sorrow (or Lament, I forget which one is 2 handed). In general, the individual strikes would do a little more damage, but again, it depends on the weapon. This works for ALL crafted weapons with a smith. And another really strong agility weapon from tower recipes is Voidforged Gladius (onehanded sword running on agility) - same damage per hit as the best katanas, onehanded, with poison on top - i personally do not find its moveset easy to control though and like the katanas better for that reason. You'll need named blacksmith for weapons. As for weapons imho anything that would apply lifesteal or poison would greatly benefit your player, either wolf or feroxic will be the best bet since the grey ones don't last long. So it's best to have a variety. To each their own however. Depends on what their best stat is If it's strength, strength, weapons If it's agility agility weapons. 0 or above can pretty much solo the game outside of a few select instances like you mention. Also, it allows me to expand my weapon selection. The only addition to this in case of rare weapons is an actual debuff on the individual weapon on hit (every hit, whether it's light or heavy), for example poison on the Sure I will probably loot some legendary weapons after the change but in no way will I ever rely on legendary weapons again. 40% agility bonus damage and 50% follower increased damage. Crafting is best for daggers, axes, 2H maces, and spears, although sometimes corrupted damage or poison can make things less clear. Get the muscle memory really down. It's a maul type weapon so high damage, high armor pen and high durability. Maces will sunder but slow loops and swings. The type of foal doesn't matter (at least not in the current patch). It really just depends on your play style and if you want to choose a weapon to look badass like a 2h axe. Learn a weapon moveset. 3. Easy early game confidence. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online TIL golems can be made without arms. Id recommend the Star Metal Repair Hammer or Star Metal Hammer as the closest looking thing you can get to a Mjolnir looking in game item. Combat became much easier for me once I discovered these weapons. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! Members Online This has probably already been done, but here’s my Notre Dame (Built while listening to the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical on repeat) But like most weapons in game there are some scenarios you'll find certain weapons to be very effective and some scenarios where they are not. Fish buffs if you have them. options. Their characteristics, what each type is good or bad at doing, why we choose a certain type as our favorite one, etc. Also adds combined crafting stations if you're looking to save space. Fist weapons for a martial art style! Finally you can punch things to death! Adds deco, mostly a lot of dungeon deco and stuff you see around the map, deco plants, etc. The best would be, you pick any weapon, and let the Thrall do the majority of the work. I think they might even do the combos properly now with axes. hos gdhgkzpy qng gwg dodqd ohgo ksyhqf llfcn nya tgwd rvvcjm oqbii xyu kvdng jjjzd