I feel like a failure in college reddit. Last semester, I did terrible on my gen chem 1 quizzes.
I feel like a failure in college reddit Reading Reddit posts where people call people like me losers for being at home at my age make it worse. 04 GPA points. For me it's cooking so that's what I did. Take all this with a grain of salt, as I don't know how you've enjoyed psych thus far, but personally I found it to be a very enriching experience, that will also help you to learn how to better understand some of the ways you may feel the way you do. This post was the beginning for me. My sister is a year older than me and she's an accountant with her own place and almost makes 6 figures. I dropped out of a community college program that was notoriously difficult (acceptance was in the single digits and like 3 people I know dropped out). It took a lot of work and a lot of reworking my study habits. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Its a kick in the balls going through it, I'm almost halfway and I feel like I know nothing. You should feel proud for not giving up and for persevering. I feel like a failure for not having a degree. Don't worry about college, remember that there are a plentiful amount of trade jobs that you may enjoy (welders, CDL/Drivers, mechanics, etc. If 1 or 2 do apply, hit the books over break and kick gen chem 2's ass. I started college in the fall of 2020 and I am now a fourth year student. I know this isn’t true but I can’t get over it. At first tried engineering and it was really a struggle and my grades were poor. It's okay to feel like shit for awhile. My pre health focused undergrad college deliberately pushed bio and the chem to be hard to weed out the pre health kids. I feel like I haven't achieved anything and I've failed as a child to my parents. 3, cGPA: 3. I come from a very academic family so it was hard to not feel like “the one who fucked up. Current surveys indicate that 45% of college students are receiving mental health services to alleviate anxiety, treat depression, or simply get help handling the transition to college. Everything will come in time. So I just feel so behind now (Covid definitely didn't help as well - I feel 2-3 years younger than I am🥲). " However, when someone fails like that, they usually turn around and try again and then succeed. It might feel like it now but you’re 21 and you can really do whatever you want. everyone at home saw how serious i was and i still failed. I'm 28 and a medical school graduate (from the States but went to school abroad). 5 years with a GPA over 3 and am about to start work at my dream job in a month. I'll tell you, I decided that wasn't worth it and I talked to my friends about it. This is really destroying my brain. But here I am, my GPA in college is ass, a sloppy 2. I feel you I really do, I was a straight B and C student in high school and thought college was way out of my league, but I've been a 4. Also depressed, lost, using netflix to cope at the moment. My top choices right now are UIUC and CU Boulder. But I still feel like an idiot and a failure for not being able to handle all this. ” BUT I now firmly believe that it was one of the best decisions I made, it allowed me to reevaluate a lot of things and I discovered that I do have a passion: elder care. I feel regretful and FOMO all the time. The fact that you’re about to graduate college after pushing through severe anxiety is such a HUGE accomplishment. But like you, I always had a comfortable life, and my parents never really made me get a job in high school or college. i've been going through this process alone and it's been hard. I’ve seen my friends attend social events and meet their roommates and I can’t help but feel intense fomo. Three years later I just accepted an offer where I'll be making 82k. Several years later, I ended up graduating and getting a job in my field of study (to my surprise). It feels like you've already lost the greatest years of your life and you won't have time to make them up. Now i’m basically a junior in sophomore level Computer engineering courses. I know I'm new, but I feel like I have no place there. I am almost 23, I have a job thankfully (only as a waiter though), but all my friends are either graduating this year or have recently graduated, one is becoming a pilot, another a psychologist, one a nurse, and the other a cinematographer. Worst part is there are classes where I got a C or D but, had I submitted all hw assignments, I’d have a B or even an A. So, I gained 15 lbs over my college experience. Like other people said in this reddit, not only are you saving your parents a ton of money but the degree you end up with is under the name of the school you end at. I am 21 and i feel like i am failing at life, i am on the last straw for financial aid at my community college due to failing too many classes, I withdrawn from 1 class and now my professor from told me that she thinks it'd be best if I got an excused withdrawal from that class as well. So I get you. "I feel like a failure. the only way to take the steps to get back in school and achieve the things you want and can achieve is if you put everyone else aside, and think about how people will be envious of you when you finally reach your goals. Now I'm trying again at university. Get some hobbies, live your life. Travel with your BF. 4 with more than 1,000 hours in research, 2,000 volunteer hours, study abroad, club vb player, resident In highschool you also had the option to take college classes your junior and senior year, then you could graduate with your diploma and associates degree at the same time. 8 GPA. I've never had a job and that makes me feel awful. Joined the military, made some friends, and had some fun. because I can't do the things to make my mom happy. I talked with some other professors and counselors and this F won't sink my transfer chances or GPA thanks to how good I've been doing (I literally made the deans honor list last semester ffs) but I still feel like I'm too dumb. I'm a little different, I didn't feel lost directly out of college. Empathetic parents just want you to feel confident, resilient, and occasionally content. I want a decent job that puts my experience to good use. Sometimes the way my mom talks, it seems so targeted to me. After I dropped out I was kind of at a loss for a while and felt like a failure. My parents legit see me as a disappointment. That feeling that others are doing better than you doesn't ever go away on it's own. College is the loneliest thing I have ever experienced. Don’t feel like a failure. I’ve never actually failed a class before so it kinda feels like the end of the world. I feel I really missed out, messed up. When I didn't make top 10% in my first semester of law school (only top 15%) I cried and threw up and proceeded to almost fail (straight C's) my second semester. 6, failed everything except thermo; I felt like a failure, was over 60k in debt, and wanted to almost drop out or end it all from shame. I don’t know a single parent who has ever said, “Well, Joe/Jane has found some great friends, joined a couple of fun clubs, is loving his/her classes, and acclimating really well to college life, but it matters not at all because the college is ranked outside the T50. I was very much in a similar situation and I will be starting my fifth year of undergrad next year, with basically most of my credits done, just banging out the rest and then waiting to get the title. I just finished law school and feel like a failure. Especially in high school, I took the hardest classes and kept up, while also doing many activities outside of school. I'm constantly trying to convince myself that time will go by quickly and in the mean time, I'll complete my certificates. Now I am 27. Enjoy your life. Your not a failure! Take this second opportunity to really dive into the material and fully understand it. I got lucky and was able to get an internship at a firm as a developer (c# and typescript). 7+ student here. I don't mean I didn't earn them, I just mean I'm surprised at myself. I can't get myself to do my homework, pay my bills, or even clean my room. Now I feel lost, but this isn't my first time feeling this way. Im sorry just looking for support or guidance. At that time, I felt like a failure and honestly I wish I was told everything would be okay. bruh i need to rant. I just turned 14 and I started remembering everything I've done. Currently I'm failing college at the moment and its like when I do tty hard I end up still failing. But you shouldn't feel like a failure. i want to commit suicide. I'm a pretty good student and honestly i've learnt some valuable lessons in college, I used to go out and drink a whole lot but don't do it anymore, I used to think parties were the best thing in existence but now i value other things. I was so excited to go. Getting in (theoretically) is the hard part. ” Once you have everything you’re thinking about now you’re going to feel the exact same way you’re feeling now. I’m truly nothing. Even if I manage to get a career after this, I'm still going to be miles behind compared to others my age. Schools and parents pressure kids to go to college, and make kids who don't feel the way you do. Are you willing to move if they provide relocation, drive a little farther to expand your job search radius, or maybe try something completely different just to get your foot in the door with a company you would rather have a different position in? honestly i don’t feel like i have it in me. ) that are in demand and generally more physically rewarding and offer good pay (CDL drivers make ~60k yearly where I live) and if you feel you want college, Community College is always a cheap option to I’m at a loss and feel like suicide is the only answer. When you're 30, jobs won't care what you did in college, or where you went. I did my best to advocate for myself like, tried to move in a direction I felt was best for me and I just feel I fucked it all up and failed IDK. I too am international. i have 3 B’s on my high school transcript and im a junior right now. Feels like a blessing. My dad graduated college at 21 and has had an extremely successful career. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. I'm turning 39 next month and its depressing watching everyone live their best life while I'm constantly one paycheck away from eviction. I go back to school in 2 weeks and am not looking forward to it. But now they only see me as a disappointment. He is so proud of himself for never giving up. i graduated in 3 years from college with a scGPA: 3. good luck!! It made me feel like a loser and he’s right. The highschool subreddit is a dynamic online community where students connect, share experiences, and seek advice. When I graduated college in 2017 I also felt like a failure. I truly am worthless and I wasted my last chance, just like my dad said. I feel like such a failure for actually failing a class I tried so hard in. Feel like a failure in comparison to my peers and career advice. sometimes we do bad on tests, it happens, but i would recommend for the next test to go to office hours and review what you did wrong, see if you can figure out some of the info for the final. Well, I did, but apparently the money I got (Which was about $6,000) was for my ENTIRE school year. It won't matter to your future success. My mind is totally blown. I keep making new plans on how I can transfer, and that going to a school that isn’t competitive is okay. i wish i could just go back in time and study harder and ask for help. It's filled with engaging discussions on academics, extracurriculars, college prep, and social life. Many "should" thoughts. I understand your pain. I post a lot on reddit as I don't really have anyone to talk to irl. Bro, I graduated a year ago. I feel so disappointed because math is my strongest subject in Well, doesn't sound like a surprise to me, sounds like yeah, no shit. throughout the semester. I started feeling depressed last spring. I have to pretend like I'm excited to go home for the summer, and fake excitment when I talk about my "summer focusing on me". Ok so long story short I took my GED tests and applied for college, got accepted, and now I'm doing placement tests. Perhaps Im just not smart enough. I feel like a total failure. I have nothing to show for any of it. So here I am, asking people for I am about to finish and have been on and off in college for 8 years. Also don't go to college because you think you should. bc i worked smart, i put in the time and effort. You're early in your college career and can achieve a high GPA overall despite one C. I am a 27 year old man, who has failed completely at life. See full list on wikihow. Feels like the world is ending so why bother, right? We have a few things in common. 27 feel like I’m failing at life Im not sure if this will make me feel any better, but I must voice my frustrations out. I brush her off and guess what? I failed the first semester! My GPA ? 0. Just started my 4th year here, it's pretty much the only semester where I feel like I've gotten a solid start to the year. Your paths forward are to get job experience by volunteering or doing sucky work. I feel like instead of launching into my potential, Im drowning in feelings of failure and inadequacy. one thing i never thought about when applying to medical school was the mental side of things. I feel like a failure. I’m failing 2 classes right now and barely passing the others. I dont know how to cope with this, Ive been feeling like this for about 6 months now. I have a phobia of working after a terrible job experience. The highest I got was around a 65 or so. Every day feels like I'm going to war with my brain trying to force it to desire the harder task. the regret i feel is actually so insane. I hate this job. My relationship feels one sided most of the time. If I had to pay for college at all I wouldn’t of gone. It'll make your state of mind feel less like a failure and more of a contributor to others well being. i feel so pathetic and useless. I wasted the 4 years of college, the year as a NEET, and the year I had to spend saving up to go back to college. I wish I could just be like my friends and just sit down to do hw like a normal person. It also makes music even more stressful for me because I nitpick my songs even more and compare them to the greatest composers. Just typing that sentence makes my stomach turn. I didn’t get an internship this summer which was a bummer , I applied to 51 places and either failed OA’s or got ghosted. Don't feel like a failure. Then I feel like breaking down because it's like my whole life is a prison. Its core subjects also have a massive failure rate. That’s funny. Its either really great, or its really bad, not abusive at all, not toxic, I simply just feel ignored most of the time- like my feelings dont mean a single thing to him. 8, which is awful. Doing really sucky work like collecting grocery carts in January may mean redoing your resume so you sound like a high school grad instead of a college grad. I feel like a failure and loser because I have over $60K debt and still live No you are not a failure either, you just are on a detour. I feel like a middle-aged father of 4. Fall AND winter. This is your first semester. I graduated in 2019, took time out for a few months because I was feeling burnt out. I feel like I’ve adopted a “defeatist mindset” and my insecurities have really turned up a notch in the past year (I’m short). You learn something from everything you attempt. You need to see a doctor and get in with a counselor on a regular basis to get your health stabilized. I'm 23 going on 24 and I feel like I've wasted opportunity after opportunity to succeed. However, I still feel like a failure. She made me go to a college at home because she said that college is a different speed & I will fail my first semester. May 5, 2020 · While graduating college is seen as becoming a "real" adult, baby steps are still OK. Still have 1 more year of school. But you know what who gives a damn, I was so concerned with not being a failure and with fighting my feelings of failure I forgot to do the things I loved and just love life. They told me the retention rate was 96% so hopefully I have greater success. I feel like I let myself and my whole family down. You'll find one, do well, graduate, and start a good life. 0 student in community College and a 3. You could go to a community college and still have a BS degree from idk Harvard or something. Last semester, I did terrible on my gen chem 1 quizzes. All my friends from high school are graduating this year and some of them even graduated in 3 years. I feel like something is wrong with me, that I must be stupid or just lazy. Then, March of 2020, school was shut down. . This in-between stage is crowded with I'm (22f) a junior in college and I feel like a failure. Honestly it's hard to not feel like a failure when you feel so much pressure from expectations placed on you. I’m 37 and I just started college. Yesterday was a good day but today was a bad day. The courses interest me and I like what I’m doing, but I’m 21 now and I just look at the people around me and feel like i’m failing in life. I've completed my gen eds (yay I feel like a failure, I essentially wasted 6 years of my life because I chose the wrong major in college at first. I’ve been in college for 6 years, not including the last year and a half of high school where I took community college courses. But for example, career wise maybe what are like at least 5 things you find interest in in your daily life that can translate into a job or help you get a dream job, long term or short term. Everyone always told me and I genuinely believed that feeling like an awkward outsider and not having a friend group that I liked would end once I got here but it got so much worse. I (19F) feel like I'm just a failure in every aspect of my life, I seriously have no qualities that stand out, I've never been known for anything, I'm not the prettiest girl in the room, not the smartest, not the most talkative. College was my hope to help me achieve that. 250. I just wanted to get into a top college to make my parents proud. i think thats worthy of not feeling like a failure. I feel like if I don’t become famous, I’m a complete failure. I entered a very deep depression that I am still in. Some people were disapointed with good grades. I just can’t stop the feeling of guilt and shame; watching everybody around me get into colleges with such low acceptance rates, and wonderful rankings, and how that cannot be me anymore. " Why? Is it because you will graduate in 7 years or are you worried what others will say about you?. I can’t do much anymore because I’m going to go to a bad college. I got a 60 on an annotated bibliography assignment, and I truly thought I did well, the least I thought I would receive is an 80, so this totally just ruined my entire fucking day. So 1/3 of the pre health kids leave like the hunger games by end of semester 1. i think this post is more of me just venting/needing a pinch of hope. Feel like a failure and that I'm wasting my time telling myself that I can do well. Likewise my peers were all high achievers. Like, you passes the tutorial levels and now you get to see how expanse the world is. My lowest semester GPA was a 0. I know other people have gone through something similar and have ended up alright so it would make me feel less like a failure if I could hear your stories. It does feel like nobody likes you when you’re 23, not even yourself. Kind of rode the wave and worked my way up. Hey guys, wanted to see your opinion on my story. Hey! Don’t feel like a failure. I love to learn, and I want to be in college, but my mental health is so poor right now and it’s been poor for almost 10 years now. I didn't want to continue with my major and didn't feel like I belonged in the honors college at my university. I did terribly. I’m having a very difficult time and it hurts to see other students performing well or normally and managing to pass their classes, stay on track and graduate on time. I have always worked very hard and done very well academically. Me tried college at 20 yrs old and flunked out with a 1. I felt like I was meant to be there. 1. Jul 16, 2016 · Here are additional steps you can take to help your college student avoid the destructive effects of perfectionism. I have a Bachelor's degree and am trying to switch to a different field, but I just feel so behind and like a failure. I had a college degree that wasn't of any use and at 32, I went back to college (at night) to get a different degree. Its really hard not to compare yourself to everyone around you, to see how far others have gone where you have gone behind. i’m 22 doing my first year in a different course and i’m still failing. My freshman year roommates have all finished and moved on to getting really good full-time jobs but I can’t seem to even pass my classes anymore. I feel like I've wasted four years and so much money since if all I'm qualified to do is retail I might as well have not gone to college at all. So I usually don’t post on Reddit a lot and I’m not online also, but for the past few days I’ve been seeing people on Instagram showing that they have achieved many things, So to give u brief explanation about myself, I was a porn addict and had many issues like anxiety and depression during my first year of college, but I got rid of that and now I’m in a much better place But I'm so tired and upset. Don’t be afraid to take a semester off. Where were you at 27-28, I feel like a failure. While Im not literally failing, I feel like Im failing at med school. As for feeling like a failure, it's hard to give good advice. I feel like such a huge failure, especially compared to my friends. But it's all just a big distraction to keep me from beating myself up. It feels like things will never get better. Reveal a time you failed at something or came up short. I had my moments where I thought WTF. I’m 30, found a job this year after 2 years of unemployment. I have to contribute to my savings. I don't know what to do anymore like I'm at my breaking point. I (22F) feel like a complete and utter failure. I dropped out of college due to depression and did not go back until one year later and ended up changing majors. I decided to take all my classes online because I knew that I was going to have to work a lot to pay rent. Take classes that intrigue you. I will be 31 soon and I am unemployed and live with my mom. I have no savings, no job, my credit is bad and I still live with my parents. Every time I go in, I feel like a chicken with its head cut off. After I passed calc 2, I was actually glad I retool it. I read this post and gasped, because this is exactly where I was in life this time last year (except I have yet to graduate college as I found something that I’m far more passionate about!) everything everyone is saying below is incredibly valid, but please know that this situation isn’t one that I view as making you “a fuck up”. It's not like you should be doing leaps of joy right now. It was a given that I would go to college. But I'm only barely halfway through my degree. You went to trade school, but didn't like the trade. you have worked hard in this class despite this. For context, im in my early twenties and a college student. Note: this is a community for in-depth discussions, not a dumping ground for memes, pictures, videos, or short text posts. stopped seeing friends. I'm a college dropout too. I'm barely passing if at all and feel like a letdown to everyone who has supported me so far. I totally forgot about this post. You’re 21 and you don’t need to have it all figured out. My GED Math score of 173 automatically placed me in intermediate algebra, MAT 097, and then I took a placement test which placed me in ELEMENTARY algebra, MAT 092. For hours at a time, I scroll reddit and read through countless posts like this searching for ways out. I totally forgot I read this post, but non-zero days, self-forgiveness, remembering the three yous, and exercise/books is something I repeated to my self so often that I just thought they were common sayings. It can make a world of difference in a few months. I called my parents to discuss switching majors, but they both told me I had to stay in my major if I wanted to be successful. It helped me live life first. Control what you can control. But then I know it's impossible, it's stupid, it's bound for even more failure. same here. I've been bottling up my emotions and feelings for so long it's ruining me. This is my fifth year in college, I'm an engineering major (previously a bio major but changed it my second year in college), and I am taking calculus 2 for the second time. I do not feel like I have the power to do anything. I have a good few W's and C's on my record, and in the end I missed graduating with honors by 0. I know exactly how you feel, I hated high school and felt like ending it every single day. Up until around 22 years of age I was on the ‘right path’ I did well in school, college, extra-curricular activities etc. You’re going through a lot so it’s reasonable for you to feel like it’s all falling apart. 🥳 Unfortunately, that won’t be happening this semester, and I definitely feel like a failure as a flunkee at age 40… Wait. Also live in the present. I did not pass a single one of them. I feel like my best still isn't enough. Especially if you might have this professor in the future, I would avoid asking for a round up. So I got $6,000 for my 2 semesters total, and I'm in a pre-nursing program at my school, so I'm taking about 17 credits/semester which adds up to about $6,000 for each semester, so I could ration it out and still have to pay $3,000/semester which is still really difficult for my As people have said, you're 23. Breathe. I’ve been diagnosed with major depression, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, OCD, and more Idk man it feels like it's too late for me, like, I have mental problems anyway everyone expected this from me kind of. com Jun 6, 2021 · Recently I have been feeling like a complete failure academically. I am legit on a 8 college rejection streak. freshman year i struggled in regular math sm and ended w/ an 82 (B-) and sophomore year i ended regular math and chem with an 88 (B+) and this year im taking apes and im struggling so much i If only I could at least receive C on that class if I earned 100 on the final, then I would at least feel somewhat motivated but right now, I just feel like I'm complete failure as I keep unintentionally comparing myself to the others. ever since i was young (i’m 20 rn) i never had the motivation to do anything i needed to do like school and stuff even when i knew the consequences. I know that I shouldn't give up but I don't know what else to do right now. But you can do a combo plate like bagging groceries and volunteering at a nonprofit that gets you a skill set. I never talked about this w anyone bc i don't want to bother them (they are busy w classes anywayðŸ˜) But I stupidly followed their advice when I was 18 and they let me down a path that resulted in me being 23 years old with no degree, no solid career, $40k in CC debt. Keep applying. Before I graduated I was worried that I'd be in this mess, so I started doing volunteer work last year. Other than that make time for activities you enjoy and friends to enjoy them with. I was even rejected from schools I was really confident for. This is the kind of insight I've needed for years, also your initial bit about what failure and worthlessness feels like was a little scarily accurate lol. Mar 20, 2018 · College has a way of taking existing issues and magnifying them. You're too young to be a failure so don't let that be at the forefront of your mind. The job is ok in terms of not causing me anxiety, but I feel so out of place there. I feel like I'm now too old to accomplish anything. Go easy on yourself don't be to hard. Maybe you'll find another trade you'd like. Started in mechanical then switched to civil engineering and barely passed chemistry and physics and then what killed me was I know it's a lot harder to do than it is for me to say; but take some time for yourself!! I feel like we often think of the things we have accomplished in high school as being valuable only if they get us into "good colleges", but you should be proud of yourself regardless! Being a first-gen student going to college in and of itself is I have always been told what a smart kid I am, how easily things came to me. I was so sure I was going to be successful and get the job I wanted and now I'm fucking lost. I feel like I've been lied to, since I've constantly been told that if I get a degree, I can get a job right out of college. Make some friends. YOU WILL BE OKAY. It’s frustrating because I know that I’m capable of doing well, but it feels like my brain is always fighting against me. Yes, my mom HAD to let I decided to go to a community college for personal and financial reasons. It shouldn’t matter at ALL. Sometimes, I feel like a failure as a daughter. Two years later, I was in a new career and finally happy. So it's not like it was even a total loss. Most people who have severe anxiety in college don’t even graduate at all. I just feel like I’m not good enough so why even bother. I don’t have family or friends that will help and I don’t want to be vulnerable and on the streets with a foot I can’t walk on as I need another surgery and I don’t think my recovery time will be over by the time my moms deadline starts. Right after I got married, I realized how hard it was to keep a clean house and get homework done AND keep my 30 hour a week part-time job AND make it do the gym three times a week. I feel this. My mom refused to let me go off to college after high school. In Australia, Engineering has one of the highest drop out rates. I attend lectures, do Anki everyday, use outside resources, and am usually studying till late in the evening around 8 or 9pm. I'm currently struggling with depression. I flunked out of community college on my first attempt (when I was 18), and now I am about to graduate college with a decent GPA. Then tried college again at 23 yrs old but this time was more committed. My scores in math throughout college were way below what I feel like I should've gotten. In my country things are a little different, we don't really go to school and we depend completely on private tutors in educational centers, and there are barely any teachers in school that we can talk to or even know about because we don't go to school until it's exam time, so teachers are out of question, it's also gonna be hard to enjoy this year because whatever mark I get in the last year Failure is a part of life, and as far as failures go this a small one! I know the first time feels like hell, but just use the memory of how this feels to motivate yourself to not fail in the future so you don't have to feel it again. I have to have a 9-5, salaried career. Ease back into school. I have now graduated and college is going amazing, and I am actually happy and loving life. But that doesn’t mean you’re a failure. I’m not going to be famous or like Elon Musk because I didn’t study. I never made any friends because I'm a recluse. Enjoy the little things and enjoy Although, I DID somehow manage to get 3 A’s and 1 B my 1st semester back, and 2 A’s over the Summer. Failing would be to stop trying, to whine, to feel bitter and jaded, to just give up. You wanted something, and you didn't get it. Short term would be like, hey I like to socialize and I like clothes. I don’t have many friends in college and I’m gonna be doing a lot of public speaking/leading which I think will be hard given my current state. and i can see the disappointment in my dad’s eyes, sometimes it makes me feel even Youre not a loser, or a failure. First off I am a useless piece of shit, sorry had to get that out of the way first. However my dad has a phd in aerospace engineering and he teaches part time at university, most people around me are doing STEM (mostly engineering or biomed) which makes me feel like a failure lollil. So after 3 1/2 months, I am now at Sears, in retail again. I'm the first in my family to complete a college degree, so I can't really seek advice from them. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. It feels like the end of the world. All my plans were south just like that and I keep getting angry at my family without them even being aware of how much stress and pressure I'm under. I decided to go to a satellite campus of a big Christian school here on the east coast. My husband started college in 2007 and graduated with a Bachelor’s in 2014. I get up at 6am everyday to go to my campus to study. Don't beat yourself up over it. If you feel like I do sometimes, just know you're not alone. I’m failing college and I’m too scared to tell my father. Something always went wrong and I stopped going to classes, started skipping assignments, etc. I'm about the same age. Seems a shame since I was just starting to feel confident with my degree and know I dont even know if its worth me completing it. Life happens sometimes, and you have to just ride the wave. It's so severe that getting out of bed is like a burden for me. Yeah I know dramatic title but in all honesty I do feel like a failure. But now after 8 years I'm tired and worn out in a soul sucking job. I’m a raising junior at a pretty good university (University of Maryland, College Park) majoring in CS. Live in the present now and stop worrying about things you have no control over, like the future. To me, calc 2 is like the first glimpse of how beautiful math can be. My girlfriend has told me my major is a lot tougher in terms of coursework than most other majors, so I try not to feel that bad about it, but I just can't help shaking that I'm fucking myself over here, even though I can just take this online course at a later In all honesty, I’m 13 but I can just tell you that the best way to go through depression is talking to other people I’m going through depression right now but the people of Reddit have helped me a lot, plus don’t feel like a failure I’ve been a failure all my life it feels like what ever I say just reflects on a mirror with negative I feel like I'm a failure for trying to follow a dream instead of letting myself be stuck in the typical 9-5 rat race. My Lecturers told me to expect failure, expect to feel buried under work, expect to feel like you don't know anything. I was reconciling bank accounts for $17/hour (35k/year). Honey you will be in your mid 20s with a degree that's a huge accomplishment right there. This reallyyy helps kids with limited options and money. But everywhere I turn, I feel like a stumbling, awkward, aimless wanderer. i know how shitty this feels, but i think the fact that you still have a B is amazing. (Outside of a few specific academic vocations) Just like high school becomes irrelevant very quickly once you graduate, so does college. Yes. I just can’t seem to get anything figured out. I'm retired now but I spent 30 years doing work that I enjoyed immensely and made good money too. I graduated and now am fixing my mistakes at community college as continuing education. You say you feel like fuck up, but to me, you still have never really done anything yet A fuck up is "I wanted to do this, so I went for it, and I fucked it up. He switched his major several times and failed a bunch of classes but he pulled through until the finish line. Came back the next semester and tried again instead, retook classes, graduated in 4. theres nothing wrong for having a phase in life Take advantage of student health services if you are still feeling depressed or anxious. I live in a beach town, so I am lucky for that. I think even my sister is suspecting I'm min danger rn but isn't doing anything about it. szr tply jinjoez htagps rpm jlqwkv bavkecq skvv yjyk yevcw wrgcy nkobau crinf jwxrpyi qxyigbk