Pathfinder kingmaker dual wield slayer build. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons.
Pathfinder kingmaker dual wield slayer build Don't really need to get complicated with multi-classing either to be effective. Range? Check. Use Slayer to build a strength-based TWF fighter, then finish out in fighter for everything it brings. My issue is Titan fighter is focused on dual wielding. As a Slayer, you probably want to make Dexterity a non-issue by using Combat Style Feats to bypass the requirements. Sawtooth Saber: Not worth a feat. Try a dual wield slayer deliverer. Ranger and Slayer because they can get fighting style feats that allow them to grab the TWF feats without needing to meet the stat requirements. So I'm going for pure str 2 handed slayer. So my thoughts on a build look something like this: Race: Human Class: Fighter (Till Level 20 or 16 Fighter 4 Vivisectionist) Str: 18 Dex: 16 Con: 12 Int: 10 Wis: 12 Cha: 8 Feats: Two Weapon Your big mistake was trying to dual wield 2 non-light weapons without feats. Something like this was my favorite setup in Kingmaker, because it could use almost any weapon or armor and still be great. iirc handaxes are finesse, so if you want to go dex you should obviously pick up weapon finesse and the first two-weapon fighting feat (the one that reduces the penalties). 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. I remember my shield bash build at least was way too busy to take weapon focus early. Since you're dual-wielding (rather than shield-bashing), either build has the option of splashing monk (Scaled Fist) for the usual AC bonuses plus Mythic Mage Armor. You'd basically get one extra feat but would lose out on the Vanguard's Bond. You may wish to look at shatter defense builds as it's about making your enemies fear you though big hits. Or is it worth going a few levels into Titan Fighter for heft and getting the penalties on attack rolls lifted. Doing a CG KneticKnight right now. Maybe use a two-bladed sword before then? On Fighter 5 you take weapon training heavy blades and AWP fighter's finesse so you can finesse dual-wield the two-bladed sword. Ideally I’d shoot for Mad Dog 14 / Demonslayer 6, or Mad Dog 17 / Demonslayer 3. Feat wise build her like a standard ranged martial. Mar 7, 2022 · Back to Back would improve his AC. Feels good basically the entire game too, unlike many other power builds which struggle early. In short, I'd advise against a dual wielding barbarian. One has to be real for two levels but after that you are done buying weapons. Personally, I like shield based dual wielding, since Sanctified Slayer gets feats to help fill out the dual wielding tree and shields add a very large amount of AC due to the ability to take Shield Wall and Magic Vestment. If you are willing to invest enough into dex to unlock dual wielding feats naturally, the single best melee class is pretty much always going to be vivisectionist alchemist. So not good for solo. Slayer is strongest when you can make as many attacks as possible in one turn - that's why most people opt for two weapons or shield bash. , many melee builds will splash Slayer can skip dex prerequisites needed for dual-wielding so you can go with both strength weapons (but give him like 14 dex because he can only wear light or medium armor or take heavy armor feat), but if you want to with light weapons (like kukris, daggers, shortsword etc) which are scaling from dex you can do it too, slayer is good for it. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. But I'm now realizing my stat spread might be bad for two weapon fighting. Should I focus on str or dex for a dual wield build? I was thinking of dumping int to get more skill points into either dex or str as well. However I did notice (which is obvious) that my short sword build does significantly more damage. Shield-bashing is a fun variant on dual-wielding where you use your shield instead of an offhand weapon. So far only my Angel Oracle Build has a google docs sheet in the description, but I plan on eventually updating all of the builds with sheet links for easier access. This is thanks to weapon style feats from slayer talents. So I’ve decided on making a dual wield scimitar build. My favourite style of combat is dual wielding, so I'm always happy to chose that option if I can. 2h and dual wield are both good in Wrath; neither has a clear edge, its more dependent on character builds, primary stats, and feat availability. if you're deliverer which is the most effective slayer in WoTR). Place starting stats in dex/con/cha. Fighter, Ranger, Slayer. I have heard Alchemist viv 1 for a level dip. You should still be able to bypass the dex requirement if you take the dual wielding Ranger Fighting style. . If you are respeccing her from 0 then do full Instinctual Warrior. I think having a dual wielding strength character has a huge benefit, which is being able to focus on only one stat (str). Staggering/Sickening/Tiring Critical have all of the benefits discussed above. Slayers can take any of the ranger combat styles, but because of all their proc-on-hit damage like sneak attacks and Divine Anathema - if you're playing LG Deliverer as the gods intended - they benefit from the high hit rate of dual-wielding (both melee and thrown weapons), shield-bashing, or archery. I didn't want to go below Spirit Hunter 19 because it would lower her AC bonus from Air Barrier. You also have to wait post level 10 to be able to afford a wand or cast the spell so for many characters it's not worth bothering. Moving forward, I plan on sticking completely to Ranger [Demon-Slayer] and once maxing my Dexterity, focusing my feats on being a melee dodge-tank with light armor, shields, and Dueling Swords. you want to pick up double slice as soon as possible for damage, and then work I’m trying to build a slayer thats going to use whatever weapons and armor i come across and he is going to be a two hander or single hand. Two handed weapons? Check. So should I just dip in and go to another full BAB class for 19 levels, then pick up Tower shield specialist for the last 20. Slayer and Ranger allows you to take the dual wielding feats without having the DEX to normally qualify for them. But the build relies on having a sneak attack to boost the attack, damage and crit. Aug 21, 2020 · So I decided I want to make a good play through with the slayer class but after playing the game and messing around with classes/races for a bit I'm having a hard time finalizing my build. Mar 7, 2022 · You could also go with a standard Slayer instead of Slayer [Vanguard]. If you want to dual-wield shields, you may also consider the the Shielded Fighter archetype or a Ranger or Slayer with the Two-Weapon Fighting combat style. The dual wielding feats have some pretty high dex requirements, but those requirements can be bypassed with the fighting style bonus feats those classes get access to. This subclass uses certain kinds of magic to stay hidden, specializing in Sneak Attacks and other Rogue-like abilities. Reply reply Decimus_Valcoran My build is 14 slayer 2 archeolog 4 dragon disciple, dual scimitar. A dual wield slayer may not even lock themselves into a weapon type for a long time. Sword and shield not adviced due to weapon training and Greater Weapon Focus. Ranger's can pick up two-weapon feats and ignore the prerequisites. For Dual Wield Slayer is going to be better because you can avoid the Dex tax of feats for TWF by using the Slayer feats (same reason Rangers are so good at it). Ranger demon slayer because you get about enough rangers dual weild feats for two weapon fighting and shield feats that you don't have to loose much to get the build going plus full BAB plus an animal companion for triggring your attack of opportunity teamwork feats plus mounted combat plus lvl 4 caster with some nice spells plus attack bonus vs demons (90% of the game) Ranger or Slayer: their combat-style feats ignores the DEX pre-reqs for the TWF line so it's great for STR-based dual-wielding with limited DEX investment. Ultimate Gear (Barbarian Build): You go strength. This would negate the penalty. No, you definitely want to play a Sword Saint at some point. Piranha Strike is also a good source of additional damage, but this build has a lower BAB than the Slayer build above, so he may miss more. For instance pathfinder rogues trigger sneak attack PER HIT instead of just once per round like in 5e, meaning there's little reason for them to not dual wield if melee. Dual wielding can be feat intensive anyway, so its not unseemly to run daggers and not take Martial Proficiency or improved crit. Here is my Stats and Feats and Skills. Slayers spend most of their time honing their weapon skills, studying the habits and anatomy of foes, and practicing combat maneuvers. I just need help deciding what weapon and race to use. More than 10 or 12 levels is not really needed unless wanting to stay pure or rp reasons. Background would be the one that gives scimitar proficiency for the +1. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Slayers and Rangers have to make do with just the Mythic feat, for -2/-2. Ask Haplo. For that matter, you might want to consider a natural weapon alchemist build. Totally. Good luck trying to hit anything with that. Mad Dog / Demonslayer. I would say I should go for a Dual Wield dex build but if that's the case then why not just play rogue? If anything, your question should be "Why play a Rogue if the Slayer is available?" Like rangers, slayers can ignore the prerequisites for some feats, allowing them to go strength-based dual wield or even sword+shield style without investing With the changes to how flanking works a dual wield rogue has amazing damage output. You don't have to grab battlemaster early on and just get a decent curse instead. While Sanctified Slayer can get the Dual Wielding feats via Slayer Talents, it comes very late. Would a crane style shield bash build be better than a two weapon (short swords) for the long haul? Having Jubilost’s infusion is great since it gives my TWF slayer shield. Pure mutation warrior to level 20. Go to Pathfinder_Kingmaker can get dual wielding feats via slayer talents and fighting styles. Through monk you can go without armor, apply your cha to AC, get mage armor from octavia. Role: Skilled at tracking down targets, slayers are consummate hunters, living Something like Rogue(knife master if daggers) 10 Mutation Warrior 9 and 1 level in something that gives you mage armor (can skip this level if you don't mind using scrolls or potions, put it in rogue if you want an extra sneak die and fighter if you want a feat) should be a solid dex based build. Strength based via ranger combat style feats. Barbarian doesn't have the feats to dual wield so just go great axe. Short answer is: Slayer has more DPS, ranger gets a pet and some useful spells. ] Pick fines focus kukri at lvl 3 knife master and then use your regular feats to get dual wield feats and your slayer weapon style feats to pick power attack, shatter defence, smash etc without having the str requirement for it (you can also skip dazzling display as you won't need that as a pre-req for the later better automatic feats). Still tons of damage. Personally it’s easy to negate fatigue, so I’d just sk I posted a DEX tank build for her. I'm kind of a low dip character builder. Usually one or two classes and maybe a prestige at most. I know that dual wielding s/b or dual weapons probably is optimal with sneak attack,but already played one and want to try something new! So I started a new play through and wanted a different vibe from all my casters/gish. Sneak attack also becomes stronger the more attacks you make, regardless how much damage the attack itself does. Elven Curve Blade Vivisectionist. But I still have a couple of questions: Do I opt to go str based, or do I opt for finesse instead? Sorry if this a faq, but I've done some cursory searching here and on youtube but due to this being a new game and the information is intersecting with Kingmaker, I'm reading around in circles. My guideline would be that a build should be allowed by a reasonable DM. As a result, the best way to play Slayer is to dual-wield Throwing Axes. If you prefer to use Combat Style Feats for the Dazzling line, you want 15 Dex so you can get Improved Two-Weapon Fighting at level 6 with the +2 belts available. Get kukri focus and finess focus from knifr master. Im trying to figure out the best course of action for a Slayer build. The difference will be Tireless Rage (yea or nay). Effortless dual wielding is pretty pointless. For race I’m probably going with human. I wanted to try out a theoretical slayer build that dual wields shields, but when I got the shield master feat via the sword & shield combat style, I found myself unable to equip a shield in my main hand. Rangers also get a pet, Favored Enemies, and some buff spells; Slayer gets sneak attacks (albeit less than a rogue) and Studied Target. Rangers, paladins and fighters get flat damage bonuses per weapon hit as well, meaning with a dual wield build that damage is counted 8x if all attacks land vs the 5 attacks of I'm thinking of building a dual weapon wielding based strength character and I was advised to take a slayer. My bab when fully buffed, is around 35 to 39. But am curious if there is anything else I might add to help the build? Dec 27, 2018 · On a sidenote about the penalty for dual-wielding two standard weapons: if you have weapon training in them (you have to be a fighter), there is a bracer that grants +2 to hit with weapons you have training in. I enjoy the frontish line and sneak attacking. Javelins are scarce and one-handed so you'd have to use Effortless Dual Wielding from Fighter's Advanced Weapon Training. Hell I had alot of fun dual wielding throwing axes as a demon slayer and won my fights with ease. Fighter can do Effortless Dual Wielding and then Mythic Two-Weapon Fighting to get no penalties for dual wielding Scimitars. There's a +1 throwing axe really early for a +1 weapon, and a midgame boss with a pair of good ones, so that's your main gear. E. I have narrowed my weapons down to 3 because I don't really like Slayer can skip the dex requirements for dual wielding feats the same way Ranger does. , scimitar, rapier), but nothing prevents them from using a shortspear instead. Skilled at tracking down targets, slayers are consummate hunters, living for the chase and the deadly stroke that brings it to a close. With improved crit, a kukri crits on 15-20, a dagger on 17-20. It fits more with the slayer death wish thing and is a super strong ability for a damage dealer. And since I get my first Slayer Feat at level 5, ill just go for a dual wield build around then. I would rather recommend a strength build with a 2h weapon. You can pretty much do any style of weapons (two handed, dual wield, sword and board, throwing axes, etc), it's just a class with Really Big Stats. You'll be level 10 before you can finesse dual-wield scimitars though, so it'll be a lil awkward. Mutation Warrior Fighter- 20 levels of this class turns into a super strong force of nature. Or Slayer 10, mutation warrior 5 (weapon training) and knife master 4 (for light weapons). A Strength Based Two Weapon Ranger Build In order to take maximum advantage of this, you want to dual wield, so you get lots of attacks in. I've played dex Slayer Arcane Enforcer dual wielding katanas dueling swords (there is even a nice background for it) and it was great. Switching to dual-wielding with Mythic Weapon Finesse would up her DPS but you sacrifice a Mythic slot. Taking until lv14 for movement + full attack isn't really a selling point when a skald lets your entire team do it, or any character with domain feature can do it from lv8(or 10)+ onwards with Travel + Domain Zealot mythic for swift teleportation + full attack. This is the problem with Pathfindertoo many cool classes and possibilities to play, not enough time. Basically, without it, you can dual wield light weapons (think daggers, kukris, and handaxes) with no issues. I have Lann dual throwing axe with 19 Judge levels and think it worked out fine. It's completely viable to dual wield as a ranger. Sep 28, 2018 · If you want to dual wield (and still hit anything) you need to put a light weapon in your off-hand. I took pure Herdwig Fighter and honestly the AB you can get on fighter is crazy, so much that I hit -5 attacks on rolling 2 (so I did not take Shatter A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. A longsword is not light. Stygian Slayer. Hey all, I recently started up a new run for wotr and this time I decided to go a dual wielding fighter - I’ve specced into bastard swords for the extra cool points with Effortless, and I’m heavily leaning towards demon mythic but there’s always a part drawing me to being Azata. You need to take the two weapon fighting feat (and shield bash if you want to dual wield weapon and shield). However, you get increased penalties if you try to dual wield medium weapons like longswords or scimitars. 10 levels of fighter will give you multiple levels of armor training (so you still get dex bonus in heavier armors), 2 levels of weapon training in whatever you intend to dual wield, effortless dual wielding and a ton of feats to cover all your dual wielding feat taxes. No, Effortless Dual Wielding is Fighter-only, if memory serves. Vanguard. Rangers are one of the versatile classes when it comes to combat styles next to fighter. Thanks you for the comment. I’m planning on leveling up as a mutagen warrior. FWIW you get a ranger Companion in Act 2 but there's no Slayer Companion in Kingmaker. It's usable in normal difficulties and it hits like a truck with good crit. , dual-thrower Slayer 20 / Mutation Warrior 20 for BAB 40, sneak attacks, raw damage from Weapon Specialization + Grand Mutagen, and Weapon Mastery (+1 crit multiplier) which stacks with the Trickster Improved Critical feats. Otherwise with Mutation Warrior you need to hit 15/17/19 Dex for each TWF feat, which is doable but could be annoying. Effortless dual wielding just removes those extra penalties. I melt everything. May 29, 2019 · So while my guy is still naked and it looks like the class trait (study) is not working yet, how would you build your slayer? Getting three ranger feats, you don't need heavy Dex to get TWF so for me, STR dual wield seems the way to go. 4. And the icing one the cake are deliverer and arcane enforcer who are amazing archetypes. Pure Slayer is pretty strong already, but I guess the max-DPS approach would be something like Trickster->Legend, e. Slayer feats will let you take two weapon fighting without meeting the dexterity requirement so you can focus on str. Jan 10, 2022 · Spawn Slayer. And yet they're typed as regular weapons rather than light, meaning you take an extra -2 to-hit penalty if you put one in your offhand. I like the thought of a Slayer/Demonslayer build with legend or maybe a slayer/rowdy rogue build. I decided I don't wan to dual wield period. Slayer is also very good for the build, so if it doesn’t come with the free two-weapon fighting, go Ranger until you unlock it, then go straight Slayer, and drop a level of Vivisectionist for that extra Strength from the mutagen. dual wield, anyway its done, is "high investment"/synergy imho, ac on dual wields comes from dumped str, high dex/wis and a monk dip. Fighter because of all the bonus feats, though you still need high dex. LE Dual Wielding Slayer, and Arbiter TN Mage Knight. My mc has 8 attacks (5 standard, haste, horns and bite) using finnean and the thunder scimitar, I have a 15 - 20 crit range doing 60 to 70 crit dmg per hit. This needs fewer feats (and mythic feats), and gets very good damage with mythic power attack. If you're set on a dual wielding barb, though, let me know, and I'll try to figure out how to make it as effective as possible. I plan on staying with Slayer for the better part of things. Bear in mind if you want a DEX based dual wielding build, you'll have to pick up Mythic Weapon Finesse. because of the style feats Slayer is super easy to build as a strength dual wielder (which is good for carry weight, which is my bane in PFKM) although most of the damage will come from sneak attacks so the attribute damage bonus will fall behind quickly. May 9, 2017 · A slayer is definitely easier to build and requires less shenanigans, but a ranger who is getting full FE bonus against a target is getting twice the bonuses to attack and damage that a slayer is. Unfortunately (just as in 5e of D&D) I find it hard to find any good suitable options besides Rogue sneak attacks :/ I searched and read a lot guides to find a good build for me but I still feel that I still can't find what I'm looking for. I do try to explain why I pick each feat/spell/ability on every build as to help new players and such. Rogues naturally get dex to attack (immediately) and damage (at level 3), so you mostly just want to pump as much dex as possible (start with 18+2 from race). r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Hopefully, my reasoning made some logical sense, but to TLDR; I want to try a STR based Dual Wield and could use some advice and build help on whether to focus on Fighter or Slayer. Pick dual wield feats and then use slayer feats to pick power attack/smash/shatter defense etc, basically all the demoralize talents you’re not normally qualified for with your low str. Either strength based in heavy armor. g. Proceede to crit and fear everything on the screen. Weapon and shield? Check. After that comes Longbows, followed by Shield Bash, followed by reach weapons, followed by playing mounted via Trickster, Azata, or the Triceratops Statue found during the end of Act 2, followed by winging it with two melee weapons and praying you don't get hit. Due to the nature of the weapon enhancements in this game 2-handed will tend to outperform dual wielding. I think slayer wins on any dual wielding build, whether melee or throwing axe. So you don't need a 19 in Dex. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. Slayer or Ranger are good options for strength-based TWF because you can bypass feat requirements via Combat Style feats. They only have a 20-foot range (vs axe / javelin's 30') and 1d4/x2 damage (javelin and axe are d6/x2). Oct 3, 2019 · Maybe just say forget it, and do more playthroughs. Disadvantages with the build: Kukris base crit range is 18-20, a dagger is 19-20. SS only gets its first talent at level 8 and its second at level 16. A Magus already gets the benefit of the basic Two Weapon Fighting while using one weapon and using Spell Combat with melee touch attack spells and using Spellstrike to deliver the spell with a weapon swing: the swing to deliver the spell counts as an (extra) weapon attack at max BAB (albeit all attacks get a -2 AB penalty, same as dual wielding penalty with light offhand weapon). if you go dex based without armor you need to dip into monk, get additional crane style feats on top of dual wield stuff and to get bonus damage from dex while dual wielding axes you also need to go 3 levels into rogues => shit BAB/progression on top of your already weak race and dual wield penalty slayer looks good at first, but even though So Slayer for 10 levels and Fighter for 10 levels is a great setup. So I am still very early on but I am currently making a human two weapon rogue (knife master) 3/slayer (deliverer) 1. Deity would be whatever. Slayer 10 and mutation warrior 9 for heavy weapon Dual wielding. Dual wielding? Check. Judge is very useful with permanent judgement via Everlasting Judgement, and Sentence (which is like Mark of Justice and can stack with Mark of Justice), and also Judgement Aura which confers all judgement buffs to allies (bonus attack, bonus saves, bonus spell pen). My recommendations are to either play a typical 2-handed barb, or play one of the other classes as a dual wielder, that you play as being a crazy rage monster. Str 14 Dex 14 Con. At end game I have 36 str from equip and unbuffed, but only like 19/20 attack after power attack. At this point, you will have a solid baseline build. I can suggest a few that work on unfair, but aren't optimal: Personal insert here for dual wielding shortswords: finesse wielding and all the associated feats for shortswords turns Jistka's Claw (sp?, sword you get in the Defender's Hearth very early) into a strong wep to carry you to act 3, at which point there is a +3 shock shortsword that bypasses all forms of DR that takes over for mainhand. You pretty much have to go either Fighter, Ranger, or Slayer for a proper orc double axe build. Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. Since Slayer is a ranger / rogue hybrid class, pretty much any ranger build can be adapted to Slayer instead: give up a pet and spells, gain sneak attacks and talent feats. If you are going to dual wield, you probably want to go heavy into sneak attack so that you're getting a good damage boost on each attack. Slayer is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. 6 days ago · This is a very subjective matter, but many published builds for Kingmaker have a bad smell - a Lawful Good Paladin with a few levels of Thug thrown into the mix is aesthetically unsatisfying. I'd recommend taking Combat Reflexes earlier (for another chance to get an attack via Outflank), Piranha Strike, or Double Slice (for the extra damage on off-hand weapons). Well I hit 5 and dual wielding Scimitars sounded fun. That means a pretty rough early game in terms of damage output as you won't get it until level 8 at minimum. Those are bonus feats, which are not subject to prerequisites. I'm still mulling it over. Plus I kind of like being able to justify it through RP. [EDIT: or Instinctual Warrior 2 for non-lawful WIS builds. Can be built including cornugan smash and Dreadful carnage route, or as a tripper. So yes. Good multiclass options: You may wish to try reckless stance on your barbarian. So my thoughts on a build look something like this: Race: Human Class: Fighter (Till Level 20 or 16 Fighter 4 Vivisectionist) Str: 18 Dex: 16 Jul 20, 2020 · Going DEX-based cuts your damage by about 20 percent on a slayer so you should think carefully before going that route. Gets him dual wield early, some of the bonuses from Demonslayer…good option. STR than DEX in Kingmaker. Short sword has only a few unique items. A light shield is light. In kingmaker there was pretty much no reason to use two-handed weapons unless you were building your party around AOOs. Grabbing the Iceplant Hex and the ring for an additional +4 deflection AC goes a long way in making her tanky in the early game. However with how potent a Ranger's Animal Companion (with the boon feat) can get I am curious how the combined dps of a dual wield ranger + Smilodon can get compared to rogue numbers. Darts are light, but in critically short supply for a dual-wielding build. Most enemies you face will be evil which allows their special ability to trigger. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. But the Slayer is also STR focused and has the ability to skip past some of the requirements for getting TWF. 5 levels in fighter is also a good idea to get access to weapon training, which would then let you personally, i dont like the look of dual wielding rapiers scimitars are alright, if you are going for a swashbuckler character Bastard sword are super long, and dual wielding them would look pretty goofy imaho works with shields though style recommendation dual wielding dueling swords (prof can be picked up with background) Due to static bonuses from sneak attack and study target, dual wielding or shield bashing is very good. You want charisma for ruling, and by going 3 levels in rogue you can pick any weapon you want and get it to dual wielding Dex to damage, but here's the kink, we're not dual wielding. I'm level 13 right now (4, 4, 5) with effortless dual wield and almost all the dual wield feats. Can Dual wield any weapon, great damage, great AC due to mutagen. Take the Advanced Weapon Training feat to get effortless dual wielding which opens up all one-handed weapons you are proficient with to act as light weapons when dual wielding. Seems like it'd make much more sense to throw a short sword or a dagger in your off-hand, though, or even just bite the bullet and accept that even without Effortless, when dual . going dex to damage via rouge 3 or sword lord 1 Suggested races: motherless tiefling (bite add) plumkith asimar (wings) Two-Weapon Fighting is a feat in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Alternative to building with DEX, you can also multiclass to Slayer/Ranger and take those feats from Combat Style - Two Weapon Style. The easiest way to go about a dual wielder is with either a Slayer or a Ranger. More attacks = more sneak attacks (and more other damage e. Advantages with the build: At level 11 two weapon fighting feats are maxed out (level 9 for majority), receives +3D6 sneak attack dice, full BAB build, can use any armor and receives armor training to increase AC, the build is flexible enough to exchange longsword to any other one-handed weapon to dual wield. Thoughts? Should I ditch the dexterity build and Dueling Swords build in favor of longswords and medium/heavy armor? Effortless Dual Wielding. So basically I wanted to make a dual wield character using longswords on both hands, but I don't know how I should start this (class,race,feat,etc). I went 20. Thanks again everyone for the suggestions. Feb 11, 2024 · Herdwig premade is probably best starting point as he has 32 point buy and with Dex belt he can take Dual wielding feats even if you do not take Ranger/Slayer for dual wielding feats without DEX. You can do a dex build using handaxes: This is a very good choice for dual wielding, they are light weapons, and the game has a couple of good ones to find or craft. If you want to dual wield large weapons, you can go Slayer 15 / Mutation Warrior 5, to be able to get Effortless Dual wielding. My idea is to take 2 non light x3 weapons and use them taking some critical sided build. Slayer will deal more damage due to sneak attacks, while Ranger comes with a pet, so it is a tradeoff there. Dual wield any weapon you like. Scimitars) are t Dual-thrower builds are strong, but darts are the worst throwing weapon. if you want to dual wield, good news! ranger is really good for that, because you can use your ranger feats to bypass some of the restrictions. fighter or take the heavy armor proficiency feat manually. So I went Mutation warrior fighter with Shackles Corsair background. Normal: If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. Or dex based in light armor/naked with monk dip. A handy choice for the main storyline in Pathfinder: WotR, this Slayer is an expert at tracking and killing hellspawn, or in other words, demons. STR lovers are overpreaching it, DEX is also great. Dual wielding + sneak attack + absurd personal buffs will never be a bad combination. Using respec, they relatively have the same AC. I prefer dual wield personally - usually with a shield. The nice thing is that you don't need to "build" around weapons until you find a weapon you truly like until later, but generally weapons with high crit-ranges (e. Without the fighter levels (getting weapon training), you can't finesse dual longswords anyway - they can be made finessable with Weapon Finesse and Slashing Grace in the game's implementation, but that's a single longsword (or other slashing weapon) with nothing more than a buckler on the offhand. Something like a LG Slayer (Deliver) 12, Fighter (Mutation Warrior) 5 + 3 levels of X (either 3 more Slayer or Fighter, or Scaled Fist 1 for Cha to AC, Oracle 1 w/Nature's Whisper for Cha instead of Dex, Ranger (Demonslayer) 1) is gonna pretty effective. There's a few really nice shortspears in the last couple of chapters, so maybe a dual-wielding or S&B spear user. So, even if your DEX is 14, you can still take TWF, Improved TWF and Greater TWF. If you haven't already, you can take EWP Bastard Sword and summon one or two up. Do I need to change anything? Class: Sanctified Slayer Race: Human Background: Acolyte EDIT: I think after all the discussions, Im gonna swap back to Vanguard and slightly change the stats, that being 18 STR and 12 Dex instead. Barbarians are a bit feat-starved, so I don't think you'll be able to comfortably do dual throwing axe approach, but bow works just as well. A Deliverer/Demonslayer build does look nice RP wise. Jun 5, 2021 · Spiked Shields: Shield Mastery makes dual-wielding shields a fun option, and using shields trades an emphasis on critical hits for an emphasis on AC. When fighting in this way you suffer a -6 penalty with I am making a half elf slayer executioner and am dual wielding with him. If you want to dual-wield battleaxes, then you really want to add fighter 5 for access to Effortless Dual-wielding to reduce the to-hit penalty to -2/-2 instead of the usual -4/-4 for DWing regular weapons. If you want a two-weapon slayer then you would typically go strength-based, just start with a 12-14 DEX and then use items to meet the prerequisites for the TWF line. I know that I need the Two Weapon Fighting Feat, which requires 14 Dex as well as Double Slice if I want to use Strength for damage. So if you want to make a STR based dual wielder, one of these will be your go to. You'll want to either splash e. I'm decently new to 1e but very familiar with CRPG mechanics and want to do this high damage dual wielding Slayer build. But ultimately it's up to you. AB: 20 BAB + 14 strength + 3 studied target + 4 Mythic weapon focus + 5 weapon + 2 weapon training + 2 gloves of dueling + 4 heroism + 4 outflank = 58 with just heroism and legendary proportions, no Mythic path. I would argue that you can still easily go TWF with a LOT of martials. More attacks also means more Bane and Sneak Attack hits, which is where a lot of your damage will come from. If you are keeping her 1 fighter level then I recommend Fighter 4 / Instinctual Thanks. Crit fishing is the only reason to use a Kukri over a Dagger really. I'm focusing on Scimitars. If you absolutely insist on dual wielding longswords and want to mitigate the penalties as much as possible, I guess Fighter's the only real option. However, for the dex based Slayer I like to put 4 levels in Knifemaster Rogue and the out the rest in Slayer. So you will probably want to pick up Two-Weapon Fighting/Improved Two-Weapon Fighting/Greater Two-Weapon Fighting independently from the talents, or take Combat Trick via the level Overhand Chop would be great but it probably doesn't work for a two-bladed sword as despite being 2-handed it likely only counts as dual-wield :/ seems like pure Slayer or 4 thug dip is the only way to go Jun 7, 2019 · I wanna try a dual wield fighter but don't really know how to do it. A shield-bashing Slayer or ranger works best with weapons that have an 18-20 critical threat range (e. You can have whatever (though you'll probably want some for AC/Reflex/etc). Dual wield scimitar, long sword, or bastard sword! Jun 7, 2019 · I wanna try a dual wield fighter but don't really know how to do it. uyr fqoo xkjieg ixbwaqt ugdz azyjv fhmtt elvcpay xgefx tfpf jxahyw bpgtj yctbn gqpvck wanp