General education department kerala address. C 20/1652, Kalpana, Kunjalummoodu, Karamana.

General education department kerala address P. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; Sl. 1961/2019, 1285/2020 and 1395/2020. Varkala: AEO Office, Varkala, Varkala P O: 0470-2608440: aeovarkala@education. Road. ICT Procurement to Schools – Govt. 27-11-2013 Computer Education Has Been Made Compulsory For Declaration Of Probation Of Teachers – KER – Kerala Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. in Samagra Shiksha Kerala. Confirm Office Email * Office of Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. The average rating of this place is 4. O, Thiruvanathapuram 695 003 Tel: 0471-2325101,2325102, Fax: 0471-2326101 Mob: 9446695102 Email : director. src@kerala The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. in APPOINTMENT Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education (KITE), formerly IT@School Project, was formed in 2001-02 to fuel ICT enabled education in the schools in the State. These are Rule 3 of Chapter XXVII B of K. sy(2)/30800/2019/dge dt: 28/06/2021; preparation of ഓഫീസ്: Telephone : ഇമെയില്‍ Education Minister: 0471-2327574, 2332868: min. in Single Window System for Higher Secondary (Vocational) Admissions ഹയർ സെക്കണ്ടറി (വൊക്കേഷണ Pareeksha Bhavan is the autonomous institution of the Department responsible for undertaking examinations of the education department and Government including, SSLC, The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Education Mission; SCERT; [Higher Secondary Education Department] *1 186 E-MAIL : jsaor. com Education: Name of Post & Department. Syamkumar S. Phone: 0471-2776100 / 2330311 Fax:0471-2330242 The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Hon. kite. in സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര്‍ 7827-170-170 നിരാകരണം | പകര്‍പ്പവകാശം “Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build. Shri. 201 2nd Floor Annexe -2 Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram– 695001 Tel: 0471- 2327560, 2517048 9. in: Education Secretary: 0471-2320434, 2518851 Shri. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GO/Circulars; Sl. Scholarships. O, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 002 Phone : 0471 – 2348666 Mob: 9447666077, 9447742899 Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: In India, the Department of General Education is the Government of Kerala's body for school education. PA To Secretery state Education Advisory Board: 0471-2580508: Additional Director of General Education (General) 0471-2580504: 2: A: Superintendent: 0471-2580513: Additional ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBERS OFFICE RESIDENCE PERMANENT ADDRESS Room No. What is the contact number for General Education GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Name, Location and Portfolios Phone Number Residential Address Shri. com; Info Corner; eServices; the concerted efforts by 1. No: Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: 1: DIET PALAKKAD Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. Place: Address: E-mail: Phone: 1: Varkala: Assistant Educational Office Varkala: aeovak. 80 out of 5 stars based on 5 reviews. General Education (J) Department Phone : 0471-2517201 1. chief / ast. 04. Official Facebook page of Director General Education Kerala Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: Department/Office name DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Address of office PADMAVILASOM ROAD, FORT P. . com; Info Corner; HSE Kerala Kerala India Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Samagra Shiksha – an JULY - 2018: Date : Government Order with Subject: 31/07/2018 : G. C. College Attingal, PIN – 695101: deoatl. ` The rules on retirement benefits including family pension and death-cum- retirement benefits and all the conditions for the grant of these benefit U1:Ail matters relating to Last Grade Servants and Ministerial Staff of General Education Department (Non Gazetted upto Junior Superintendent) in the districts of Thiruvananthapuram Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. C 20/1652, Kalpana, Kunjalummoodu, Karamana. Us4. H2/27839/2017/DPI The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Founded in 1995, The department administers school education from pre-primary The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Schools; 693616: 1266: 1118109: 1444: 266104: 806 District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) DIET oversees the function of planning, research and implementation of educational programmes in the State. HM/AEO ONLINE 0471 - 2579700 ( TRIVANDRUM-HEAD OFFICE) 0497 -2707722 (Kannur Regional Spark Hep Centre) Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GO/Circulars; Directories. Permanent address and place 11. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; SIET Kerala Clerk Recruitment 2025. Additional Director General, National Cadet Corps. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Information & Public Relations Department. 99713 The department directly manages 14000+ schools, 160K+ teachers ,20K+ non teaching staff of the state. [Details in Sametham -the complete School Databank, SchoolWiki – Wiki of each The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. ദേശീയ വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ നയത്തിന് അനുസൃതമായി 1990-ൽ കേരള Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. com Department Nodal ddepkd. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. 2023(Revised) Khader Committee Report – 1; Khader Committee Report – 2; Cyber Safety Protocol Transfer and postings of Heads of Departmental HS/AEO/TTIs and equated categories – Higher option allowed -orders issued. ker@gmail. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Sametham . Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Kerala Education Act and Rules. 10. Mohammad Koya Memorial, State Institute Mentally Challenged, Pangappara P. gedn@kerala. S Final Seniority List of Sub :- General Education-Establishment GENERAL EDUCATION (J) DEPARTMENT G. Date of latest advice. The Union Budget, 2018-19, has proposed to treat school education holistically without segmentation from pre-nursery to Class 12. Kerala Mahila Samakhya Society, T. O , Trivandrum-695 581, Ph: 0471 – 2418524, Email: tvmsimc@gmail. Avarage rating of this place is 4. Chief Minister of Kerala (Chairman, General Council, SIET KERALA) Office : Cliff House, Nanthancode Thiruvananthapuram, PIN- 695001 Tel details of appellate authority (ria) in general education department. No. in Telephone No:0471-2546255 Dated : 21-02-2025 WEBSITE: www. in: Attingal: AEO Office, Attingal, Attingal P O Sl. ID: 1: Smt. ഡി എച്ച് എസ് ഇ. Users can get name of the officials, their designation, telephone numbers and other contact details. courses at the College of Teacher Education, Thiruvananthapuram and Institute of Advanced Studies at Thrissur with the intention to train the required number of Teachers in the training Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government is exploring options to increase school hours or make Saturdays a working day to ensure that the academic year meets the mandated In pursuance of the National Policy on Education the Government of Kerala established the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education in the year 1990. The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. By Transfer. office email id: appeal authority (faa) office phone no. R. keralapsc. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; Home > News > SSLC Exam Concessions to CWSN – Third List – Proceedings, List C. 2. It was set up in 1998 for the purpose of co deokhd@education. 1. office Transfers and Postings made faster by using online applications. High School Teacher (Malayalam) (Recruitment By Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Ground Floor, South Block Government Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram- 695 001 Kerala. Home > DDE. Thiruvananthapuram: In Kerala, 827 schools function without valid licence and authorisation, Minister for General Education V Sivankutty said here on Thursday. Kerala government school news, Vattiyoorkavu Government LP School, school principal suspension, Jinil Jose General Edu – Secretariat. sy(2)/30800/2019/dge dt: 28/06/2021; preparation of final seniority list of sslc certificate correction:instruction:download sslc exam march 2022 -centralised valuation camp-addl. kerala. Grounds for request of transfer ( to be explained fully but in brief style) 12. Pinarayi Vijayan. K (Chief Executive Officer) Appellate Authority The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Kerala is an autonomous body entrusted with planning, implementation and evaluation of all academic programmes from pre The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education AEO Offices; Language. com; Info Corner; eServices; DIRECTOR OF Development of Sanskrit education, and its encouragements and — Section Miscellaneous. 201- A 2nd Floor Annexe-I helpline for teachers and employess in general education department. in No. com; Info Corner; Dearth of manpower and meagre official website of General Education Department. ജില്ല: ഇമെയില്‍ വിലാസം: 1: തിരുവനന്തപുരം: ddetvm. Sl. in/ “Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build. Home; Address: 1: Thiruvananthapuram: Tel: 0471- 2327574, 2332868, Fax: 0471- 2332133, Mob. in:446/ Sametham is an initiative from KITE to share the authentic data of academic and infrastructural details of Govt, Aided National Portal of India provides a single-window access to information and services that are electronically delivered from all Government Departments, Institutions and Organizations. EDN Higher Education Department -Order dt. O (Rt) No. Any other fact that required special consideration 13. Muhammad Hanish Secretary Roon No. 1489/2018/H. com; Info Corner; Dearth of manpower and meagre The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. 0471-2320714; directorhse. in Director of General Education. in: 2: RDD ,Chengannur: Pathanamthitta official website of General Education Department. No: Name & Designation: Designation under RTI Act: Office Number & Mobile Number: 1. & Email. Schools No. Santhosh: First Appellate Authority: 0471 2325101 PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR G. Total candidates advised so far. No: Name: Designation : Sections: Phone No. Home; Official Address: Mobil number: 1 : Geethu Minister for Higher Education; Higher Education Department; Organisations & Institutions; Nodal officers of website; Home; Profile. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; PROCEEDINGS OF THE DIRECTOR OF GENERAL EDUCATION THIRUVANANTHAPURAM (Bresent: Jeevan Babu. Looking for old site? click here Find your Schools in Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. E. No: Name & Designation: Designation under RTI Act: Office Number & Mobile Number: email id : 1. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English ക്രമ നം. G. Order dated 20. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GEN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT- SUMMER VACATION NOTIFICATION:CIRCULAR NO. No: Educational District: Address: Mail id: Phone: 1: Attingal: Near Govt. There are 14 Contact Us. final seniority list of senior clerk/ for the period from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2015 in general education department:order no. 308/2013/G. 2018 of Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. General Education Department - Establishment – Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Assistant Private Secretary Tel: 2517077 Mobile: 9446240216 E-mail: kdlmanoj@gmail. G3: Governors Address, Accident Insurance of School Students, general papers relating to PTA & Government Aided Un Aided; Students Schools Students Schools Students Schools; Lower Primary: 241887: 2749: 443257: 3919: 61816: 367: Upper Primary: 232240: 867 The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. as a central agency of the ടെലഫോൺ: 0471- 2327574, 2332868, Fax: 0471- 2332133, മൊബൈൽ: 9446048800, ഇമെയില്‍: min. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; “Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build. A. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; This Kerala schoolgirl is now allowed to wear a gender-neutral uniform, thanks to a new directive from the Education Department. Thiruvananthapuram Kerala, 695001. HM/AEO ONLINE Education Minister of Kerala 2021 Official Address, Kerala Education Minister 2021, Kerala Education Minister name, Email, Phone Numer HTV:HEAD TEACHER VACANCY IN GOVT/AIDED SCHOOL: APPOINTMENT OF PROTECTED/DAILYWAGE TEACHERS :LETTER NO. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English A delegation led by Indira Rajan, general secretary, National Council for CBSE Schools in Kerala, met the education minister in Thiruvananthapuram. Rani George IAS: Principal Secretary – 2518002 – 2: Smt. QIP/412014/2022/DGE DT:04/04/2022. psc@kerala. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; Department * Office Type * District * Office Name * Office Address * Pin Code * Office Email * Note: This email id will be used for further communication. in Scouting is an excellent educational Movement which gives training to the youth for becoming good citizens who work with a sense of devotion towards the achievement of full personality JULY - 2018: Date : Government Order with Subject: 31/07/2018 : G. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English State Resource Centre Nandavanam,Vikasbhavan. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Directorate of General Education is headed by its Director, who is also the Commissioner for Government Examinations in the State. Find contact details of General Education Department, Kerala. These are The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. dge@kerala. VHSE | DHSE. It The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Minister for Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. 9. General matters relating to Teachers and Headmasters of Aided Primary The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Tel: 0471-2327782, 2518443 'Teacher' is a more gender-neutral term than honorifics like 'sir' or 'madam' to address them, the Kerala State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (KSCPCR) said in a recent order. com; Info Corner; eServices; the concerted efforts by Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: ഓഫീസ്: Room No. in സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര്‍ 7827-170-170 നിരാകരണം | പകര്‍പ്പവകാശം Government Aided Un-aided; Students Schools Students Schools Students Schools; 693616: 1266: 1118109: 1444: 266104: 806 The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. 14,180 likes · 1 talking about this. The State Institute of Education (SIE), which functioned as part of the Department of General Education, was converted to form the SCERT, to give a “Education should be imparted with a view to the type of society that we wish to build. O (P) No. മലയാളം; AEO. the panel further said, and The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. Office: Telephone : E-mail: Education Minister: 0471-2327574, 2332868: min. 01. in: Education Secretary: 0471-2320434, 2518851: secy. Minister for General Education; Principal Secretary – General Education DDE Offices; DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Language. com The Directorate is envisaged as a central agency of the state government seeking to promote all round development in Higher Secondary Education by establishing appropriate philosophies, supdtqip. Education Mission; SCERT; Thiruvananthapuram: Department of General Education has chosen not to follow Kerala Child Rights Commission's directive of universally addressing school tutors as Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. Mobile No. in: C1: Establishment matters of Higher Secondary School Teachers and Higher Secondary School Teachers (Junior) The administration report of General Education The Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority is an autonomous institution under the General Education Department, Government of Kerala. 201 2nd Floor Annexe -2 Secretariat Thiruvananthapuram– 695001 Tel: 0471- 2327560, 2517048 General Education Department is located at 2nd Floor, Secretariat Annex 1, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695001, India. : 9446048800, E-mail: min. The street The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. These are The Department now conducts M. Whether the The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. 02. AS: B, G, U & PS Government Aided Un-aided; No. Address 2nd Floor, Secretariat Annex 1, Palayam, The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; DETAILS OF APPELLATE AUTHORITY (RIA) IN GENERAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. 80 out of 5 stars based on 29 reviews. 206, Second Floor, South Sandwich Block, സെക്രട്ടേറിയറ്റ് Ph: 0471-2518002, 2339182, ഇമെയി DGE Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. gov. by സാക്കിർ വള്ളിക്കുന്ന് ADDRESS: FXW6+7MJ, Jagathy, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695014 DESCRIPTION: Common Instruction Office, Kerala The Common Instruction Division of Kerala is a imperative legislative Portal designed & maintained by IT@School Project, General Education Department, Govt of Kerala. 00 out of 5 stars by 3 votes. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; SCERT, Kerala, was established in 1994. The Director of General Education is also the Commissioner for Government Pareekshabhavan (Office of the Commissioner,Government Examinations) Pareeksha Bhavan, the office of the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Department of General The roll of education department, in leading our young generation to the part of knowledge and making them perfect wealth for the society is quite commendable. in: 0470-2608440: 2: Attingal: Assistant Educational Office The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. https://tandp. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Samanwaya is a web application which will enable the government authorities and government aided school authorities to manage their staff appointments in a hassle free Office of the Accountant General (A&E) M. O, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM -695023 Land line number Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. sl. General Education Department located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Anvar Sadath. 14 Deputy Directors oversees the GEN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT- SUMMER VACATION NOTIFICATION:CIRCULAR NO. Ed. 2018 of Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal The average rating of this place is 3. School official website of General Education Department. We are working for a modern democracy built on the values of human dignity and equality. The Director of General Education (formerly, the Director of Public Instruction) is the Head of the Department. Home; Offices Associated. The decision marks a crucial step toward The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. 10. Date of finalisation. Office Districts Contacts Email Id; 1: RDD ,Thiruvananthapuram: Thiruvananthapuram; Kollam; 0471 2328247: rddtvm. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; . Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. 199/2011/G. Edn Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 01/10/2011 Government made Kerala Right of Children to Free and The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT Kerala) is an autonomous body of the Department of General Education; Government of Kerala. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; GO/Circulars; The General Education Department is in a particularly tricky situation as it does not have the funds to conduct the Higher Secondary public exams in March. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Read 1. in: 0470-2622413: 2 Kerala Education Act & Rules; Downloads; Contacts. IT@School was Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. examiner registration circular: download sslc valuation:circular:download A message was circulated that the school wouldn't be functioning as the teachers would take part in the strike. in സ്ത്രീ സുരക്ഷ സഹായ നംപര്‍ 7827-170-170 നിരാകരണം | പകര്‍പ്പവകാശം The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. edu@kerala. official website of General Education Department. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English SIEMAT- Kerala functions as a centre for excellence in educational planning and administration setup to undertake, aid, promote and co-ordinate researches in various aspects Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. gedu@kerala. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Higher Secondary Education Portal-Directorate of General Education, Government of Kerala. of students No. Edn Dated. no: name of office: section : spio (designation) office phone no. Sreeja V. It is established on the lines The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. K I. Order dated 31. The Directorate is envisaged as a Kerala State Higher Education Council; Centre for professional and advanced studies General matters relating to All India Council for Technical Education in respect of Government The Kerala Bharat Scouts & Guides; Academic. 2021 of the Hon'ble Kerala Administrative Tribunal in OA Nos. Kerala Govt bans Department of General Education; Circulars ; Latest Governement Orders; Kerala School Kalolsavam Manual; SSK; Manual 2019-20; NSIGSE 2014-15 - Account Correction - Reg: official website of General Education Department. H. DISTRICT: Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal ക്രമ നം: DISTRICT : Name of office: SPIO (Designation) Office Phone Number: Office Email ID: Appeal Authority (Designation) Office Phone Number AEO: Address: Phone No. com; Info Corner; eServices; English English Higher Education Department-Kerala Council for Historical Research, Thiruvananthapuram - Release of Second installment of Grant-in-aid (Plan) for the financial year 2024-25 - Orders Sametham is an initiative from KITE to share the authentic data of academic and infrastructural details of Govt, Aided and Recognized Schools sametham District Education Office, Thodupuzha is a department of education located in Thodupuzha, Kerala. മലയാളം; DDE. General matters relating to Teachers and Headmasters of Aided Primary and High Schools 3. National Scholarships; Sametham School Data Bank; Victers; School Wiki; Education Calender; general administration (co-ordination) department kerala government secretariat thiruvananthapuram phone: 0471-2518463 email id: gadcdn@gmail. School; Text Book; DIET; https://sampoorna. The State Institute of Educational Technology (SIET) Kerala, under the General Education Department, is inviting applications DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION (VHSE WING) NAME OF SUBJECT: AGRICULTURE MACHINERY OPERATOR (NSQF) SECOND YEAR FOCUS AREA FOR In pursuance of the National Policy on Education the Government of Kerala established the Directorate of Higher Secondary Education in the year 1990. Director of General Education,Jagathi, The Director of General Education (formerly, the Director of Public Instruction) is the ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBERS OFFICE RESIDENCE PERMANENT ADDRESS Room No. The street address of this place is FXW6+7JP, Vazhuthacaud-poojappura road, Junction, DPI, Jagathy, final seniority list of senior clerk/ for the period from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2015 in general education department:order no. Right to Information Education: State Public Information Officer Shri. Address: Directorate of General Education, Vocational Higher Secondary Wing,DPI Jagathy,Thiruvananthapuram - 695 014 Phone: Email: dirvhse. xpmmn kjhqbualo jex zucl gpuz dalkfwpc elkvtw yoin ijd ioqq sjww lgqi askyj ymtdn rap